Susan Walsh/Facebook photo.

OPINION: “MAGA supporters would go beserk if President Biden pardoned his son!”


“What an explosive reaction would occur if Biden, borrowing the Trump playbook, pardoned Hunter Biden.

The MAGA supporters would go beserk with indignation. Pardoning a son with a significant drug addiction and obvious psychological issues would be more unforgivable to them than the pardons parceled out by Trump during his presidency and those promised if he is re-elected President.

The treasonous actions perpetrated by Trump cronies and the January 6th insurrectionists are ignored or excused by the constantly grieving MAGA diehards. But the illegal and greedy actions of Hunter Biden have remained a rallying call and issue for publicity seeking legislators and supporters who believe every lie and distortion fed to them.

It can be reasonably argued that Hunter Biden received a minimized indictment and conviction but when compared to the innumerable alleged criminal and ethics violations of Donald Trump that haven’t horrified his base it is truly one of the greatest hypocrisies in American history.

-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Natural Order in the Universe is inescapable! Dealing with MAGA supporters is like dealing with wounded wild animals. No matter how you approach them, they are only looking for their own survival, even if they are dying. Every sane parent eventually pardons their children short of a morbid relationship or situational awareness. If you haven’t noticed, there is no remorse for trump or MAGA supporters for their actions. They simply keep pouring it on to survive, with no compromise. If I was Biden, I would pardon my son but do it after the election or as soon as I know I’m not a candidate. Take one from the Ford/trump playbook but with a little tact! Do unto MAGA as they would do unto you! It would be amusing to watch all the short circuits trip!

  2. The world will go beserk if trump gets back in office. The world will go beserk if trump excapes all the charges against him. The world will never unify if trump gets in office of the US again. Trump is exactly what you don’t want your child to grow up to be like.

  3. Stephen Harrell

    What a load of crap. The entire Biden administration has been one criminal act after another and one failed policy after another that has hurt ever citizen of the United States except his protected cronies and co conspirators. All the false and disproved allegations against Trump are brought about to keep the attention off the democrats crimes. From destroying the economy that was making a comeback under Trump, to arming the Talaban and throwing our Allie’s in Afghanistan to the wolves, everything he has touched has been a disaster. January 2025 can’t get here soon enough so we can get Trump
    Back to undo whatever I’d not permanently damaged by this clown of a so called president we have now. He is the laughing stock of the world. Everywhere I have traveled abroad in the last few years want to know how we could have elected him. I make it no secret that I didn’t have anything to do with it.

  4. Great is not bad

    Is Donald Trump perfect no of course not but is he one of the best presidents we’ve had in recent history absolutely. They’re indicting Donald Trump for things that he said before people protested at the Capitol building. Yet they are not indicting Joe Biden for things that he said prior to the protests at people’s supreme Court justices homes including a man armed with weapons and zip ties heading to the home of Justice kavanaugh allegedly to kill him.
    They are indicting Donald Trump for having documents in his home. Yet they are not indicting Joe Biden or Mike pence who did the exact same thing.
    The Democrats attempted to impeach Donald Trump on two different occasions for things that they dreamed up and yet they refuse to impeach Joe Biden for things he has actually done, including selling access to the president to foreign powers when he was vice president and continuing to do the same as President through his son’s paintings and sales to anonymous donors.

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