OPINION: “MAGA supporters would go beserk if President Biden pardoned his son!”

“What an explosive reaction would occur if Biden, borrowing the Trump playbook, pardoned Hunter Biden.

The MAGA supporters would go beserk with indignation. Pardoning a son with a significant drug addiction and obvious psychological issues would be more unforgivable to them than the pardons parceled out by Trump during his presidency and those promised if he is re-elected President.

The treasonous actions perpetrated by Trump cronies and the January 6th insurrectionists are ignored or excused by the constantly grieving MAGA diehards. But the illegal and greedy actions of Hunter Biden have remained a rallying call and issue for publicity seeking legislators and supporters who believe every lie and distortion fed to them.

It can be reasonably argued that Hunter Biden received a minimized indictment and conviction but when compared to the innumerable alleged criminal and ethics violations of Donald Trump that haven’t horrified his base it is truly one of the greatest hypocrisies in American history.

-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.”