New Bedford Guide Featured Job Service


When hiring for an open position, it is important to reach the largest audience possible. The difference between getting 5 applicants and 100 applicants can be significant when looking for a long term, qualified employee. New Bedford Guide is now offering a featured job service for $250 per listing. Want to get a job listing seen by tens of thousands of people in the Greater New Bedford Area? This service is perfect for you. Our last two job postings received 30+ applicants each! Here is what you get:

  • Our posting is guaranteed to be seen by 20,000+ people. Our readership is 65% female and 67% are between 25 – 54 years of age.
  • The job description can be posted on or your website, and then shared on our Facebook page.
  • Your contact details will be included on the post.

Recent Job Postings:

Additionally, we offer listings in our weekly Hot Jobs List for $50 each. The Hot Jobs List gets posted every Thursday and Sunday. Example:

Contact to get started or to set up an appointment.

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