OPINION: “Boy physically and verbally bullies my niece and Parker School does nothing about it.”


The following is from a concerned Aunt in New Bedford:

“My 10-year old niece attends Parker school and being bullied. Every single day she is bullied by some punk kid who calls her names. Today the bully not only called her names but smacked her.

She shouldn’t have to cry every day before school. Every day he bullies her and threatens to hit her and embarrasses her in front of other students. Parker School does nothing.

We schedule meetings with the superintendent and he postpones or doesn’t show. As far as I’m concerned bullying is 100% unacceptable and it’s because of people like this that young kids are committing suicide.

She is there for an education not to be picked on. What else do we need to do for someone to open their eyes and protect her?! Clearly going to the school and police station isn’t the answer since we are still sitting at square one.

We’ve already called the police, filed reports with police, went to the school, asked for class changes, brought evidence to the table yet no one listens. They have their blinders on to this situation.

I’m beyond upset. Please share this and comment with any recommendations.” – Lori Trindade‎

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  1. So sorry this is happening. Please with parents permission / support reach out to tarafreitas@bamsi.org from the Parent information network.

  2. I was bullied daily in school by several kids. I was fat, I studdered, I was awkward and clumsy, mostly I was passive and didn’t stick up for myself. That’s a key point to pay attention to for later. I hated going to school knowing my day would be one torment after another. My parents tried tons of things to help me out. They sent me to Karate class, got me more involved in church activities, nothing really helped. The school system was never helpful in any way, shape or form. Then in my Junior year of High School, everything changed.

    One day, one of my bullies, Mike C. hit a real nerve. I had just lost an uncle and he made a comment about it. All the years of pent up aggression and anger focused in that one moment. I did something I had never done in school before, I lashed out and I not only punch Mike, but I ended up smashing his face into a locker and bloodied him up pretty badly. He ended up with 10 or so stitches in his face. Of course, we got in trouble, a day in-school suspension which I was really upset about. I was a “good kid” and that mark on my record hurt mer more than the bullying.

    Of course, word traveled fast and one of the other kid who gave me a rash of crap who was friends with Mike C. jumped me after school. Jason was his name and this time, emboldened by the face I had stood up to Mike, I stood up to Jason and I kicked his a$$, then I walked home. I gave him a black eye and a bloody nose.

    Since that fight happened off of school property we had talks with the Principal, but no punishment was handed out.

    My father, god rest his soul told me he was proud of me. I stood up for myself and did what had to be done. He told me that it was never okay to start a fight, but when one is forced on you. Make damn sure you finish it.

    After the Jason fight, suddenly the bullying started to slow down a bit, I found that less people were willing to say things to me that might start a fight and no one tried to hit me. Within a few weeks with the exception of one or two people, it had stopped completely.

    Long story short. If some kid is hitting you, hit back. PERIOD. Bullies pick on people they think won’t fight back. Once you do most will go somewhere else. If you wont stand up for yourself, no one else will.

    • Teaching a child to hit back is not the solution. If the school isn’t doing anything. I would contact Board of Education in Boston and file a formal complaint.

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