New Bedford harbor walk
Photo by Jenna Correia.

Why do so many in New Bedford, hate New Bedford?


“We become what we think about.” – Earl Nightingale

This is a great quote and reminds me of the many people that live in New Bedford that hate the city so much. Post something positive about the city and you’ll have a long line of New Bedford residents tearing it down. There’s a crab metaphor that perfectly represents these people:

“Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless “king of the hill” competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise.”

Earlier this year I wrote an article title ‘8 reasons New Bedford is a better destination than Newport‘ – it wasn’t an article saying that New Bedford was better than Newport, it was an article pointing out what I felt were 8 things that made New Bedford a better destination. I’m certain someone could provide more than eight reasons why Newport is a better destination, but that doesn’t mean my reasons are any less relevant.

Unfortunately, it was mostly New Bedford residents that chimed in on Facebook tearing apart the article. This wasn’t an isolated case, almost anytime you post something positive about New Bedford, an army of crabs will swarm to tear it apart. We posted the article three times on our Facebook page here, here and here. Check out the comments for yourself – instead of Newport coming to defend Newport, it was New Bedford people defending Newport and verbally destroying New Bedford.

This seems to happen every time I try to portray New Bedford in a positive light. Tell people crime is down? Liar! Tell people unemployment is down? No way! Show people a new harbor walk? Why isn’t that money used to fix the roads. It’s a tiresome game.

Why do so many New Bedford residents like to tear down any positive news or articles about the city they live in? I guess the popular quote “misery loves company” would be appropriate. Miserable people simply like to make others miserable, instead of rising up to a positive level, they bring other people to their misery. Social media seems to bring out the worst people and they seem to be the most vocal.

My advice for miserable people that hate their city so much – move, keep quiet or contribute in a positive way. Do some soul searching and find out why you are so miserable. Go out of your way to be nice to others and see if it comes back to you. When you see something positive about your city on social media – like, share and comment on it. See something negative about your city? Offer improvements. We become what we think about, and our city becomes what its citizens think and talk about. Let’s become a positive city, there’s so much to love and be proud about.

Make sure you check out the comments on social media responding to this article – you’ll see what I mean.


About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. New Bedford is needing a “CIVIC CENTER” SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BADLY! These dumbass mayors/city Councilors are like “TEATS-ON-A-BULL”…SO DAMN USELESS! New Bedford needs VISION like Lowell, MA Area has!!! My Lord, New Bedford Mayors/ETC’S.. are disgusting and so useless w/VISION. The Z-theatre is NOT, N’O’T, N-O-T, NNN-OOO-TTT a civic center/arena…..DAH!?! — It is a theatre…..DAH!?! — A “TRUE CIVIC CENTER” or “ARENA” can provide 20K to 30K people for ROCK or other CONCERT VENUES! Let’s see, hhhhmmmm…, COLLAGE HOCKEY & BASKETBALL games…DAH!?! You can have the Boston Bruins & Boston Celtics play EXHIBITION GAMES etc..etc…etc…..DAH!?! Fall River, MA area is 10/14 miles away! Providence, RI area is 30/35 miles away! Think you disgusting New Bedford City officials… THINK DAH!?! There are many Local & Regional High School’s dying to have a major CIVIC CENTER here! — “THE VENUES/ACTIVITIES/SPORTS/ETC..ETC..ETC.. IS VAST!!! .DAH!?! DAH!?! DAH!?! —And no BS where to build it…JUST-DO-IT WiTHOUT your USELESS EXCUSES!

  2. New Bedford is just what it is! It takes so long to get things up & running. Plus the train is still not here. They have been saying that for years. Crime is definitely not down. Who are you kidding! I always hope for the best for New Bedford but it never happens.

  3. I’m only 24 years old & still live w/ my parents. I lived in NB most of my short life. When I have enough $$$$ to move out, adios NB.

  4. I love my city! Please do not stop raising it it with the positives! I really appreciate it!

  5. As someone who grew up and lived in NB until college and has since moved out, I firmly agree New Bedford is making positive steps to improve the negative reputation city upholds. I feel every time I come home there is a new restaurant/business downtown to explore and actually feel comfortable waking around the area. Moving out really makes you look back and see all the positive steps New Bedford has made to improve and though I wouldn’t agree is a greater desitiation than Newport (though arguably the food, particularly the seafood is better), I still think the city has great potential to be a seaside vacation destination in the future. In my point of view the city is on the right track and I would only encourage those to keep up the good work in making the city the best it can be.


  7. We tear it down to keep out the uppity tourist that comes with living in a place like New Bedford.
    They’re like a self centered plague who step on toes and forget that just because it’s their vacation doesn’t mean locals have to move aside for them.

  8. I am a former New Bedford resident. I was born and raised there, and lived there until my early 30’s.
    Boston and Providence are beautiful cities and have a lot to offer.
    Crime, drugs, overdoses, pot holes, etc….are just as prevalent there. Does that stop people from visitng there? I think not. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I think NB is doing a great job increasing tourism, taking what the city has to offer (its rich history), and improving the city little by little. I have returned to NB many times to enjoy the city walk, the Fort Tabor area, and downtown restaurants and shops. NB needs the patronage/tourism in order to keep the businesses alive. If these businesses succeed, then more businesses will want to come in.
    The more businesses that come in, the more revenue the city makes.
    The more revenue the city makes, the more that funds become available for repair and programs/education initiatives. People who are negative and post negative comments need to think “out of the box”.

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