White House photo.

OPINION: “Trump moving embassy to Jerusalem enraged Palestinians”


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“The right wing Republican pro-Israel stance is not wavering!

For those liberal Democrats and voters of middle eastern decent, who are withholding or rejecting support of President Biden because he has not taken the final step of advocating for the cessation of military aid to Israel, it would be wise to reconsider their position.

At least there has been some equivocating by Biden as he has incrementally become more critical of Netanyahu and his right wing coalition. Biden’s full throated support for Israel’s response to Hamas, with only tepid recommendations to avoid civilian casualties, has been replaced with public criticism and veiled threats of eliminating aid to Israel. And Biden is publicly rebuking Netanyahu and clearly considering other options to end the war.

The Neo-Cons of old in alliance with the right wing caucus however are providing unequivocal support for Israel‘s response to Hamas.

Their steadfast devotion to Israel, with scant consideration of the thousands of innocent Gazans who have lost their lives, is hardly encouraging if disaffected Democrats vote Republican, third party or stay home.

It was Donald Trump who moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem during his presidency, which in no small measure encouraged Netanyahu and his right wing to feel invincible from American criticism and further enraged the Palestinians.

It may seriously conflict with alleged Democratic values by voting for Biden, but if Trump is re-elected it will be the elimination of a century of progressive legislation that benefitted a majority of Americans, and authoritarian rulers everywhere will rejoice and be emboldened.”-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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