OPINION: “MAGA minions claim Biden is soft on Iran, Gaza only to make Trump look good”


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“Joe Biden now has to decide to be at war in the Middle East or not. No matter which position, strategy or policies Biden pursues the Republicans will take a contrary position as campaign fodder. If we find ourselves sending troops to the land area to combat Iran backed militias Trump will declare that he would never engage our troops in combat and that during his presidential tenure the United States did not engage in a new war.

On the other hand if Biden ignores the allegedly Iranian provocations he will be declared weak and ineffectual by Trump and his MAGA minions and supporters.

It’s a no win situation for Biden and no matter how reasonable or rational his response this will become another issue added to the list of grievances motivating the ultra MAGA supporters.

And it will also further inflame the progressive wing of the Democratic Party should he go to war after providing Israel with continuing aid that they will claim was the main motivation for Iranian provocations.

A mild response will disappoint a large segment of Democrats alleging that he is endangering our troops in the Middle East as well as Israel’s very existence.

The nuances of this unsolvable problem are never understood by the majority of voters and unfortunately will become material for many “one liners” during the campaign. Adding this to the immigration debacle could be too much to overcome, and the Trumpian negatives of loss of freedom of choice, and scores of Trump criminal indictments, and threats to democracy will have only a limited effect on voters.”-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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