Four Pieces of Weight-Loss Advice

franny goodrich author pic
by Franny Goodrich

Maybe it’s time to swallow hard, stop listening to those people trying to make a quick buck by sprinkling fairy-dust on your weight-loss dreams, and accept the fact that there are no-shortcuts to being fit. The good-news is that without any hocus-pocus, you really can lose a pound of fat every three days or so, and yes, you really can drop 2-jeans-sizes in a little over a month if you start doing things right. In the interest of being concise, I give these four pieces of advice to those who find themselves bogged down with weight-loss frustration:

About 25% of your body weight is determined by genetics; the other 75% is determined by your eating habits and activity level. Remember: low-calorie eating and exercise, or the lack of either, or both, is the main reason you don’t like what you see when you stand naked in front of your full-length mirror.

If I see another “90-Day Challenge” scam I’m gonna scream! Most are simply a ploy to sell you shakes, supplements, and fat-burners; don’t get sucked-in! Stop buying mail-order meals too.

You don't need diet pills and fad diets to lose weight.

Eating needs to become a “lifestyle” of sensible-eating practices, so buy real-food in real grocery stores. Does anybody really intend to eat packaged meals and drink health shakes for the rest of their lives? While I’m on the subject, for my gym-going friends who may be wondering about muscle builders and energy drinks: Don’t get me started! Everything you need to build your body or refuel your energy, can be found in cheaper versions of real food.

Weight loss is a mathematical-equation: GET USED TO IT! Consume less calories than you expend, and you will lose weight. Calorie-wise, the types of foods you eat don’t really matter, because a calorie-is-a-calorie. Whether it’s 3,500 extra calories of apples or 3,500 extra calories of bacon-fat, both add-up to a pound of fat on your butt, belly, and thighs. Nutritionally, these foods obviously vary greatly, but calorie-wise they don’t. That said, yes, you should always try to select from a cross-selection of mostly healthy foods.

By the way, you should also stop trying every idiotic diet that the people at work – or your friends – are trying. Aren’t these the same people who try a new diet every month? Maybe you need to change your relationship with food. Do you realize that 25% of the time that we reach for something to eat, it’s because our body actually needs it. The other 75% of the time it’s simply a physical response to an emotional-issue, like stress, boredom, etc. The next time you open the fridge consider why you’re doing it. Lastly, if you really “must” try one of today’s popular diets, remember this; any diet that is reasonably-healthy and will result in an overall daily calorie reduction beyond those expended will work. Just pick-one and stick-with-it!

There is no need to take on an elaborate exercise regimen when you can simply find a way to add movement to your day. You can begin by taking brisk walks around your neighborhood, or, rock to music on your iPod while doing yard-work or house-cleaning. As far as calories burned, it all adds up less of you in staring back in the mirror.

People should realize they don’t have to waste a ton of time exercising. Two hours in the gym, is too much.  Running 5 -10 miles is too much. Those who already workout may want to consider exercising harder, not longer. 30-minute weight training sessions and 20-minute cardio sessions (both three times per week) are all you need: Intensity is the key to results.

Now it’s up to you.

About franny goodrich

Franny Goodrich is the Author of three published books on the topics of diet, exercise, and weight-loss. Edgy and often controversial, Goodrich makes no apology for anyone’s ruffled feathers, or a few raised eyebrows, especially within the billion-dollar Weight-loss Industry. He continues to be an aggressive Consumer Advocate against frauds and scams. Goodrich's first book, appropriately titled; “Diet, Exercise, & Weight-loss Bullsh*t -Exposed!”, is a humorous, yet informative expose’ on the myths, lies, and scams within the Industry. It became an instant and huge internet hit. A New Edition was released in 2011. Goodrich’s second and third book; “Kiss The Fat Goodbye - Uncensored”, and “What Works, What Doesn’t, & Why”, respectively, are both largely collections of excerpts from his popular web-pages, advice blogs, magazine articles, and personal interviews. Goodrich, an Exercise Science Buff, is a former National-level Track and Field Athlete and Natural-Bodybuilding Competitor. He has been a successful Certified Personal Trainer (ACE). Goodrich has nearly 30-years teaching-experience in the fields of Fitness and Athletics. In 1990 Goodrich created and owned the North Carolina-based Health Club Chain “World Famous Big Ape Gym”. In 2008 he formed the Exercise and Weight-loss Consumer Advocate Group; “Body Coaches of America”. Currently a Freelance Author and Writer Goodrich’s latest project is the development of an on-site workshop based on topics discussed in his books. Franny Goodrich can be contacted by email at

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  1. great artical fran. every artical is better than the last. keep up the good work !!!!!!

  2. GREAT advice…I’ve had a feeling for a while now that I’ve been wasting my time and money on bulls#*t! And ladies is it just me or is Franny a hottie!!!?

  3. Oh Franny! I started looking on the internet this morning after beating myself up for not loosing but gaining 3 lbs last week when I ate practically nothing and went to the gym 3 times. My first thought after I got off the scales was “help”. Now what you have to say is so wonderful to read. It’s scary but I think I must abandon my carb free diet. It’s not working. Nor is anything else. It’s the baby weight that isn’t falling off. I used to be able to loose it much quicker than this. But this isn’t working. Time to count the calories again. Can’t wait to read more and more of your advice. I’m still screaming help though!

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