Facebook unpublishes Turtleboy Sports Facebook page with 112,000 followers


Today, Facebook unpublished controversial, yet popular Turtleboy Sports page. They wrote a blog about it here.

According to Turtleboy Sports, Facebook unpublished their page for bullying.

What are you thoughts?

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Its a joke justifying censorship, censorship is evil on every platform. I am offended every single day, I either ignore it or I engage in it. I don’t crawl to my safe space and demand the world to conform to my standards, I engage the world and aim to better understand it. Suppression of opinion because a couple absolutely horrible people’s feelings got hurt is ridiculous. Turtleboy doesn’t victimize the unfortunate, they expose the fraudulent and highlight the worst members of our community. Turtle boy is mainly an entertainment site, but by simply interjecting lewd humor into the news, they got many people to take action. They are the Howard Stern to Analog news Larry King. They created a formula to appeal to demographic of people who can’t handle sitting through boring uninteresting “news”. People often forget about how much fraud and corruption turtleboy exposed and shut down, this formula worked and raised awareness in local politics, community, and many issues millenuals would otherwise be unaware of. It isn’t for everyone, I shouldn’t be forced to subscribe to a network I don’t like because a handful of people were offended by my network of choice.

    • Posting a woman’s phone number, address and name for harassment? That’s illegal. Break the law and get shut down.

    • How do you not understand this? They harass people. Flat out! They celebrate ruining people’s lives because they don’t like their opinions. Ever read their comment section? It’s a horror show. Just read the names they call people. I read an article a couple months back that was basically them cracking on a woman who’s child had just been mauled to death by a dog. Let them do that to you or a loved one and see how fast your opinion changes.

    • You’re a f*cktard Timothy L. You’re probably a Q Anon conspiracy theory douchebag. Turtle Shit Sports is right kind of rag for a low intelligence idiot like you.

  2. Reports of Bullying? Literally every politician, Left or Right, would have their page taken down if this is the case. This is targeted censorship.

  3. So Aidan Kearney, famed for his general repugnance and pasttime of sexually harassing buffalo bills fans, has been no platformed by a private institution, and is angry about it? For somebody who hates on leftism so much, he sure seems to oppose private enterprise when it opposes his obsessive need to stalk and defame people. I guess he’ll have to find a new way of luring people to his paid-by-the-view, clickbait for mediocre white massholes, poorly formatted website that he tries to pass off as a sports blog.

  4. Aidan Kearney – The Turtleboy is a coward and a punk. His family are all right wing religious zealots who do anything in their power to make life harder on poor people. He’ll get his in the streets for harming people who didn’t deserve to be bullied. Only a worm would find his piece of trash “journalism”, aimed at uneducated white supremacists to be entertaining.

  5. Brett Emerson Woods

    TurtleBoy has a long record with the State AG’s office for searching out women & launching harassment campaigns against them, especially women business owners and town-level women politicians, halfway across the state, and using fake accounts on public comment sites (i.e., the two commenters above) to make it seem like they have a following and drive up clicks and ad revenue on the site itself. They’re stalkers and pervs hiding in their mom’s basements claiming to be free-speech advocates. Good riddance.

    • Hahahaha this is hilarious! Clearly you’re a fool who’s poked the turtle before and are still butthurt about it yet you read all of their articles / comments on their page. “Brett Emerson Woods”, cool name you came up with there. You must’ve been trying to combine the names of the people who write for turtle boy (which you would know since you’ve clearly read quite a few articles, except you screwed it up genius. Clarence and Natalie use the last name Woods Emerson. But please tell me about this record with the AG’s office? Because free speech is an American right and Turtleboy writing articles about people is a crime how? I’m guessing you’re either a business owner or a politician ??, certainly not a genius that’s for sure!

  6. This is not censorship. This is beyond bullying. When a site invites harassment towards someone because of her race, it is a hate crime, and the bs people have been writing to and about women of color is racist.

  7. It appears some of you don’t grasp the meaning of ‘free speech’ or ‘censorship’.

    Here it is, in easy-to-understand cartoon form: https://xkcd.com/1357/

  8. It only tool years of his illegal doxing and targeting harassment. Doxing is not free speech.

  9. Wonderful Karma for the Scum who profit from their trash they call journalism, I for one couldn’t possibly be any happier to see this. Right wing hypocrite Scum that wrote about nothing but “SJW’s”, whatbthey call anyone who is against racism and discrimination apparently. The things they call people are like school yard bullies who can’t get laid picking fights in the lunchroom. Shut these clowns down and keep them shut down! Facebook is a private business also, if they don’t want to publish this filth they don’t have to. That’s another great one, the Turtleboy readers complaining FROM THEIR FACEBOOK pages, teach “Zuck the cuck” a lesson and stop using his service if you’re so against him! No? Makes sense to me!

  10. People using the word “censorship” to describe this action have an almost fully useless, all-encompassing definition of the word censorship.

    A private platform like Facebook or Twitter is not forced to provide a platform for literally any view. A private platform like Facebook or Twitter deciding to specifically deplatform a given point of view based on their own business ethic or terms of service is not “censorship” in a meaningful way, in and of itself.
    Turtleboy represented an environment of encouraged harassment and doxxing to where it was well beyond the point of being legally problematic to host them.

    I’ve watched this argument take place several times, whether it was for this, or Reddit, or Wikipedia, or literally Stormfront’s web hosting. Each time there’s madness about “my free speech!” or “what about the first amendment rights!” etc etc

  11. Who the cares about Turtleboy Sports? They’re just vile as the people whom they report on. These low class assholes are only in it for clickbait and get themselves banned for notoriety.

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