Clean Eats Delivery – Health and Results, Without You Sacrificing Time or Flavor


Meal preparation or meal delivery services are more popular than ever. Haven’t heard of them? Haven’t considered using them? Why should you?

In this day and age, we are busier than ever. Between hectic work hours, raising a family, managing a business, keeping the house and yard maintained, exercising, and the myriad of other responsibilities in our lives, we are always pressed for time. There doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get it all done, let alone “me” time or time just to HAVE FUN. Remember that?

Michael Glassman and his team have made it possible to eat healthy, save time, and do it in an affordable way.

More often than not we stop at a drive-thru or order a pizza. If we can’t stop for lunch we grab a candy bar instead, just to keep going; Months down the road we’ve packed on some extra weight, elevated our cholesterol levels and raised our blood pressure.

So, based on the modern American lifestyle, we’re always on the go and pinching pennies where we can, while still trying to maintain a healthy diet. This is how meal preparation companies began. You’re simply not interested in eating poorly, but you might feel that meal preparation or delivery service is too expensive, you put aside time to make your own meals – which really puts a time constraint into the picture and added stress.

The thing is that most of these services are thriving because they are affordable, on top of being convenient. Their idea is to provide healthy, nutritious, affordable meals that free up your time to do more important things.

Reputation of consistency and quality product, mouth-watering flavors with fresh ingredients.

One meal delivery service that exemplifies the quintessential meal preparation and delivery service is based out of Tiverton, RI. President/CEO Michael Glassman started in 2015 and built the company on a reputation of consistency and quality product, mouth-watering flavors with fresh ingredients.

If the name sounds familiar it’s because Michael was the owner of the popular Healthy Grille (started in 2002) in Dartmouth, the town where he was raised. After 12 years at the Healthy Grille, he took what the customers were saying to heart: “Please deliver!”

Glassman and the team have had such dramatic success because they not only listen to their customers, but they reach a wide range of people – from homemakers and housewives, to the elderly, athletes, and the common man or woman. They feel that health and wellness is for everyone and made it their personal mission to educate the consumers through food and the medicinal benefits that lead to wellness. The feedback, testimonials, and reviews on the website and Facebook speak for themselves as evidence that what is doing simply works.

Honey drizzled Salmon getting the treatment.

He has accomplished this mission and continues to do so with the help of a team of like minded, equally passionate individuals: Randy King, Sr., (Vice President and C.O.O.), Jennifer Pacheco who is the V.P. of Operations, Jessica Caldas V.P. of sales, exercise physiologist and Personal Trainer, as well as owner of CrossFit Dartmouth and Crossfit Bridgewater Jason Caldas, Dr. Todd Dersham, a movement specialist and Chiropractor, Vada Boulay – Executive Assistant and Rene St. Laurent who is a nutritionist, biochemist, and a compound pharmacist.

The newest addition to Clean Eats is Ashley Bendiksen who has helped the company add plant-based, vegan meal options for customers. Ashley is a native of the South Coast and has been advocating for plant-based and vegan food choices for more than nine years. She has experienced the power of plant-based nutrition firsthand by curing her own health ailments, and now continues to see it help others as well in her role as a fitness and nutrition coach. She has been featured in news publications as an expert on health, and will be offering additional guidance, support, and education to Clean Eats’ followers and clients.

With Ashley on board, Clean Eats has now launched a vegan menu line of delicious, hearty, and nutritious meals. Despite any ‘stereotypes’ about what vegans eat, her meals are packed with protein, whole grains, nutrient-dense veggies, and healing herbs and spices that leave you full, but also full of energy. This brings Clean Eats one step further in providing the best options to customers for optimal health and wellness.

As you can tell, they form a network of health and wellness professionals united on a mission to make the world healthier through movement and nutrition. Their goal is to educate the public and the consumer with information of how to move, how to eat properly and how it will make their body thrive.

Motivation, inspiration, and passion to eat for health, wellness, and fitness

Glassman’s inspiration and motivation sprung from personal experience: his father had pancreatitis since before he was born and his first memories of his father are of a scar that ran from the middle of his chest down to his stomach 8 to 12 inches long accompanied by two puncture holes with tubes for drainage. He recalls the many surgeries and suffering he had to go through.

“I didn’t know the why or what I just knew that when dad had bad foods, he would have a pancreatic attack and then possibly end up in the hospital.”

This pushed the family to eat healthier – growing up Michael’s mom would make sure everyone had three square meals a day – including packed lunches for school – all freshly made, without any processed ingredients.

The problems for Michael developed when he strayed from his mom’s direction – once he was a young adult and began attending junior high school and high school, he would prepare his own breakfast, mostly comprised of a sugary breakfast cereals from a box.

Homemade lean ground turkey & veggie burger served bun-less and topped with Organic Tomato Sauce. Sided with our Famous Roasted Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes and a mixed vegetable stir-fry

“I assumed I had some sort of stomach issue because every day around 9:00am-9:30am I would end up in the nurse’s office with a terrible stomachache. Every morning I was consuming refined, sugary, processed foods and dairy. Little did I know that my stomachache was caused by the food I was consuming.”

Because of his smaller build and passion for sports he started a weight training regimen and began the process of learning how diet affects health in hopes of finding out the source his stomachaches and how it could improve his muscle development. Throughout high school he made dramatic, improvements in both areas and began to excel at sports.

When high school ended, he went off to university – in this case UMass Amherst – and wanted to focus solely on academics. However, his passion for nutrition and exercise served him so well, he decided to revolve his studies around them choosing exercise science and nutrition as areas of study. So, he decided to make his electives revolve around these aspects and chose exercise science, food science, nutrition and anything else that was related. For four years he studied how the body works, moves and what it needed to be fueled by food.

Catering a plan that suits you and no one else but you

This led to a lot of cooking. There was a lot of exploring and researching – finding out ways to transfer the book knowledge into real world applications that got results. Not just results, but good tasting food, as well. He would enjoy a meal so much, that if he shared some of his food, people would rant and rave about how good it was and not even realize that it was “healthy.” Sadly, many people equate eating healthy with bland, tasteless, boring food. It’s a misconception he enjoys proving wrong.

Yes. This is an actual image of Clean Eats’ “Triple Play Chocolate Delight” being prepared. There is dessert!

This is something that has become known for and one of the reasons they have had so much success. In addition, another contributing element to this success is how he takes this customization that he did with himself and applies it to the business model – he doesn’t believe in a “one size fits all” model. Each individual gets their own meal plan after a complete consultation. It’s individualized to the point that the team at Clean Eats likes to call themselves “personal chefs.”

What is involved in this consultation? Michael stated that ” A complete consultation is when we sit down with a client and find out exactly what their lifestyle is, how they have been eating, what their goals are and while we’re there we perform a metabolic test with the same machine that was used with great success on the show ‘The Biggest Loser.'”

He will find out what your resting metabolic rate is – the exact amount of calories you need to simply exist. Then they delve into your lifestyle: how much sleep do you get, what is your exercise plan consist of, what do you do for a living, what are your caloric demands?

Once all the information is gathered, he will devise a plan with dates and goals. Week by week, day by day, everything is mapped out so you get a sense of accomplishment, stay fired up and motivated, and have a clear visual of the progress. They give you all the tools you need to succeed and know exactly how to keep you motivated and inspired – something oft ignored, but incredibly important.

Furthermore, you will be educated and learn how your body works optimally, how energy sources function, clear up the many misconceptions about how calories really work, how fat is stored, the role of endorphins, enzymes and amino acids, how to get through plateaus, prevent crashing, how to effectively and healthily utilize the vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free diets, and much more.

How to get started!

Clean Eats offers two options. Customers can order and pay as they go, saving them time and money and making healthy eating convenient. The second option is to contact Clean Eats for a customized plan. Clean Eats does not require contracts or commitments. You may order, stop, or continue, at any time. Orders are a 5-meal minimum and should be placed by Friday nights at midnight.

Seasonal Berries, Walnuts, Almonds and Grilled Chicken Breast over a bed of Fresh Baby Spinach with a side of house Olive Oil Vinaigrette. has the ability to be a main food choice not only for those who want to eat healthy, or to improve sports performance for you athletes, but it can be just for someone who wants to save time and money. The average meal cost somewhere around $10. That’s $10 for a meal that is ideally suited to you, and has the most nutritional benefits.

Lastly, these meals are delivered every Monday from the kitchen to your home or business, so there are no lines, no waits, no dealing with frustrating customer service. The website is an amazing source of information whereby you can see the team biographies and credentials, set goals, make a goal-oriented plan, even browse and order from the menu which is replete with mouth-watering images that have the description, calories, and nutritional information.

The website and Facebook also have plenty of testimonials for a real kick in the pants to get you started today on the path to health, wellness, or your fitness goals!


43 Muse Way
Tiverton, RI
Phone: (774) 929-5968 TOLL FREE: 855-5-MY-MEAL

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One comment

  1. Deborah L. Leahey

    Hello, Mr. Glassman!
    I’ve seen the excellent results! My nephew Dennis Farias is a current member! I’d like an evaluation done please.
    Thanks! Mrs. Leahey

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