New Bedford Moon Astrology: March, 2014

Find out what March has in store for you!

by Jennifer Hollie Bowles

The Moon in Astrology is connected to the powerful feminine qualities of change. Unlike the Sun, which resides in a particular sign for about a month, the Moon travels quickly from one sign to the next. The Moon is intimately involved with water and the ebb and flow of ocean tides. Like the sailors of old who sang to her beauty and heeded her intuition, Moon energies are enhanced and experienced on a deeper level for New Bedford residents.

The New Moon occurred on March 1 in the ethereal sign of Pisces. New Moon energies indicate a time for seeds to be sewn and instincts to be welcomed. Pisces adds mystical elements to these new ideas, insights, and experiences, asking us to look deep within in order to connect with the tides of our emotions. On the other hand, the energy of Pisces may also bring idealism and a bit of delusion, making it very important to stay grounded and practical, especially when it comes to the way we perceive other people. This is an excellent time to get involved with activities that enhance your spirit. Consider volunteering somewhere, such as at the New Bedford Whaling Museum.

On March 8, the First Quarter Moon visits the communicative sign of Gemini. The First Quarter Moon represents a time for facing and dealing with problems in creative ways. It asks us to make decisions quickly and rise to the occasion of any circumstances that come our way. This is an exciting time that can also be filled with chaos. With these energies operating in Gemini, it’s important to pay close attention to how we communicate with others. Misunderstandings may occur, but if you choose your words wisely, they can develop teamwork and good opportunities for growth. Remember to stay active in your community, and don’t forget to attend the AHA! monthly celebration of arts and culture in New Bedford on March 13.

The Full Moon occurs in the analytical sign of Virgo on March 16. Full Moon energies are much like they sound, representing a period of completion and fullness where everything is illuminated. These aspects take on a specific, finely-tuned awareness with the energy of Virgo. Accomplishing work tasks and focusing on responsibilities is favored. Virgo also brings greater awareness of body and mind health, making this an outstanding time to nurture healthy eating and positive thought patterns. Don’t forget to take a walk on the shore to see the Full Moon reflected on the New Bedford Coast, and consider taking a Yoga or Tai Chi class.

On March 23, the Last Quarter Moon visits the goal-oriented sign of Sagittarius. The Last Quarter Moon indicates a time for readjustment. Old ways of doing things may not work at this time, and while these energies have a way of operating on a very personal, private level, Sagittarius calls us to be bold and innovative with how we use what we discover about ourselves. This is an excellent time to travel and learn something new. If you don’t know how to speak Portuguese, consider learning it now, and perhaps take a trip to Cape Cod before the crowds roll-in. The beaches are beautiful this time of year too!

During specific times of the month, the Moon becomes void of course, meaning that it isn’t aspecting (or making contact) with another planet. When the Moon is void of course, it’s considered best not to start new things or initiate important activities and events in your life. The Moon will be void of course for a good period of time during of the following days in March, 2014: Thursday the 6th, Tuesday the 25th, Thursday the 27th, and Saturday the 29th.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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