New Bedford Department of Children and Families and the United Way of Greater New Bedford launch closet food pantry

If you are interestd in making a donation, please contact United Way at 508-994-9625 ext. 10.

One in four. That is the number of children who are at risk of hunger in Massachusetts. That child could be your neighbor, student, child’s best friend or even your child. The increase in child hunger is visible throughout the year by local social workers at the Department of Children and Families where some area offices have seen an increased need in emergency food assistance over the past year.

While social workers encourage their families to go to local food banks to get food, it is not always an option when families who do not have transportation, have young children or with inclement weather. How can we help those families?

United Way of Greater New Bedford’s Hunger Commission and the New Bedford Area Office of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) have come up with another option for families. In March, DCF launched their first ever closet food pantry, with the help of United Way, to provide DCF families in need with the food they need to make sure their children do not go hungry.

“We are grateful to the United Way for their partnership in this effort that is helping us provide support to our children and families. No family should ever have to worry about where their next meal is coming from,” said Department of Children and Families Commissioner, Linda Spears. “This kind of support can make a real, tangible difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.”

United Way’s Hunger Commission will continue to keep the closet pantry stocked to make sure local families are getting the food they need. The closet pantry at DCF has become an invaluable resource for social workers at the New Bedford DCF and United Way is committed to strengthening families in our area.

“We are pleased that this closet pantry has been such a great resource for DCF,” said Michelle N. Hantman, United Way President. “It has been open a little under two months and has already made a significant impact. It has helped support families, eased concerns of parents and kept children full which will help them succeed in school.”

The DCF closet pantry is stocked with non-perishable food items that are collected through local food drives. If you are interested in hosting a food drive to benefit the closet pantry or in making a donation to the pantry or the Hunger Commission, please contact United Way at 508-994-9625 ext. 10.

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