Op-Ed: Ward 3 City Councilor Henry Bousquet addresses racism and bigotry concerns within GNB Voc Tech

The majority of my colleagues are hardworking, compassionate, passionate, caring, and color blind people.

I am a graduate of GNB Voc Tech class of 1994, culinary arts. In 2000 I began substitute teaching in the school. First in Pys Ed, then in typing class, history, English, and even in medical related. Ultimately I worked for the culinary arts department almost exclusively as a sub and teachers aide until 2007 when I was hired for an opportunity as a full time instructor.

As a professional culinary educator, a teacher mentor, a father, a community activist and an elected city councilor in New Bedford, I am a proud employee and alumni of our school district. I want you and the rest of the community as well as our students at GNB a Voc Tech to understand just how serious the allegations that have been made
against this collection of educators, are.

Especially in light of today’s sensitivity to racial relations and the conversation around bigotry as it is, at present, in the United States.

The allegations some students and faculty are making in the emails, open letters and news paper stories express ideas that are so far removed from the actual culture and life I witness daily in our school, that it both is frightening and befuddles me how anyone could possibly believe it’s truly happening. But I understand that perception can be reality in many ways. Some people may feel oppressed or threatened or treated differently and I empathize with those who do. If you truly feel unsafe or slighted we have always had people like our civil rights representative, school adjustment councilors, and school psychologists in addition to guidance councilors that you can speak with confidentially if for some reason your instructors won’t fill the need. Nevertheless, the administration has chosen to have a constructive dialogue with the students who are making these allegations, in my opinion, to make sure they don’t feel slighted and that they understand WE do care about all of our students. No one in our building condones the actions of Mr.Cabral. Mr. Cabral made a gross error in judgement in making inappropriate comments. As a result, he lost his job, his livelihood and most assuredly his career in education. A harsh, yet self imposed punishment.

The majority of my colleagues are hardworking, compassionate, passionate, caring, and color blind people. They teach because they want to inspire the next generation of stewards for our great country. Career Tech Education is a vocation, children and their successful prosperity are our rewards. For someone to remark that, “we are failing students every day” at GNB Voc Tech is unfair to those teachers who have made careers out of guiding the next generation into adulthood. Just look at our graduation, drop out rates, and AYP.

It’s unfair to me as an alumni. I feel like I owe so much of my personal success in life to GNB Voc Tech, It’s thanks to my instructors, mentors and it’s administrations over the twenty two years I’ve been involved with the school that I am a productive member of society. The school has taught me the importance of teamwork, respect, responsibility, integrity, and progress and today those values are intrinsic and part of the schools core values.

GNB Voc Tech is a safe, welcoming, and caring environment. The only hostility in our building exists on a Friday night under the lights, maybe.

Henry Bousquet CEC
Ward 3 City Councilor
228 Mt.pleasant street
New Bedford , MA

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  1. If you are “color blind” then you are part of the problem along with the Superintendent.

  2. Is he speaking as a white GNBRVTHS employee, or a white city councilor? Either way, I’m sure he’s had quite a different experience being white, and being a student at Voke back when he attended vs. the current climate may be different. Let’s hear from some black staff at Voke….though they may not feel safe doing expressing their experience if it goes contrary to administration.
    Also, as if his desire to collect two paychecks from the city isn’t conflict of interest enough, should he be writing this?

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