Fall River Man Convicted of Stabbing; Sentenced to 14 Years in State Prison

Bristol County District Attorney Tom Quinn announced today at a 53-year-old Fall River man was sentenced to serve at least 14 years in state prison late Friday afternoon after being convicted of a stabbing a woman inside her home in 2013.

Edward Mason pleaded guilty in Fall River Superior Court Friday afternoon to charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and armed assault in a dwelling. Assistant District Attorney Katie Rayburn prosecuted the case on behalf of the Commonwealth, and recommended a 14 to 16 year state prison sentence. Superior Court Judge Robert Cosgrove agreed with Assistant District Attorney Rayburn’s sentencing recommendation, and also ordered that Mr. Mason serve five years of supervised probation upon his release from state prison. The conditions of probation include staying away from the victim, complete mental health counseling, and take all prescribed medications.

The victim, a 41-year-old Fall River woman, was moving into a new residence in the city on January 31, 2013. Mr. Mason was one of the individuals who helped her move, as he was the victim’s mother’s next door neighbor and had been known to the victim. Three days later, on February 3, the defendant rang the victim’s doorbell and asked her if she has more furniture that needed to be moved. The victim did indeed have more furniture to move, and asked the defendant for help moving a shelving unit from her truck outside to her son’s bedroom inside the house. After completing the task, the defendant asked to use the victim’s bathroom. After exiting the bathroom, the defendant remained in the home and waited for the victim to walk towards him, at which point he grabbed her by her sweater, pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed her in the back. A struggle ensued, and the victim was able to kick the defendant off of her and began screaming for help out. The defendant then fled the home, but left behind the knife. Mr. Mason was arrested a short time later by Fall River Police.

The knife wound to the victim’s back did require hospitalization, although she has made a full physical recovery.

“This is exactly the type of prison sentence that is warranted for such a senseless act of extreme violence,” said District Attorney Quinn. “I am hopeful that the victim finds some solace in the knowledge that he attacker will be without freedom for a very long time.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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