2014 Opening of the Bay Celebration – dinner, auctions, music, cash bar, dancing , and more

Red Sky at Night, Sailor’s Delight!

Community Boating Center (CBC) announces today that it’s 8th annual Opening of the Bay Celebration will be held on Saturday May 10th, from 6pm-11pm, at Fort Taber Park. One hundred percent of the funds generated are used to allow low-income, at risk children of greater New Bedford to attend the summer Youth Sailing Program free of charge. Last year, 80% of the children who attended were from low-income families and simply did not have the ability to pay.

“I hope I can change a life, not just increase knowledge of sailing. I don’t want to be just a sailing instructor, I want to be a role model.” – CBC Instructor

CBC’s mission is to teach positive life values to at risk youth through boating. The summer Youth Sailing Program is a step-by-step process in character development. By pairing kids with mentors and using boating as a tool, CBC instills important life lessons in students such as the values of integrity, sound judgment, teamwork and environmental awareness.

“My favorite part was making new friends and learning how to sail with my new friends. I plan on coming here for years to come.” – CBC student

Opening of the Bay has quickly become a “must attend” party to kick off each summer season! This year’s theme is Red Sky at Night, Sailor’s Delight and we would be delighted to have you join us for the festivities! Tickets are $65 per person and include dinner, silent and live auctions, musical entertainment, cash bar, dancing, and shuttle service from parking lot to event tent. Purchase tickets by visiting www.communityboating.org or by calling 508-992-6219

Donations are still being accepted for the silent and live auctions. Event sponsorship donations are also welcomed. Interested parties can email aherlihy@communityboating.org, call 508-992-6219 or review sponsorship materials at communityboating.org Community Boating Center incorporated as a 501(c)3 public charity in 1998.

CBC is dedicated to enriching the lives of local youth by connecting them with mentors and exposing them to a new and challenging environment built upon a foundation of trust and respect. In addition to the summer youth program, CBC offers family and adult lessons, power-boating instruction, and the newly launched Fall and Spring Sailing into Knowledge program, based on REACH, US Sailing’s STEM education program. Using sailing as a medium, REACH provides youth with hands-on integrated learning opportunities that inspire interests in fields of study like physics, marine biology, technology and more.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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