Craig Bretton photo.

Fairhaven man and Good Samaritan rescue Osprey in distress


“This one actually has a very cool story to it.

Towards the end of the summer, my mother and I decided to go kayaking off of Sconticut Neck Rd in the salt marshes. Not long after we got in the water and set off, I could see in the distance something splashing around in the water.

As we got closer I was able to see it was not a fish jumping or a bird catching its meal, it was an Osprey in distress. I was obviously not equipped to handle a raptor that day. I was not really in the mood to have my skin gouged to the point of needing many many stitches.

We circled around it for several minutes and I was trying to push it to land so it would not drown. A homeowner right on the water came out and started yelling across the water. I explained what was going on and they ran back inside to grab gloves and then hopped in their kayak and rushed over to the bird.

The Good Samaritan was able to grab the bird by the feet and we found out that a clump of oysters had clamped down on the talons and the bird could not fly. After several minutes of the bird flailing around, he was able to free the talon from the oysters and the bird was able to finally walk.

It sat on the beach for a bit to catch its breath after almost drowning. I was able to snap several awesome shots after all was said and done. It was absolutely awesome being able to see a bird of prey so close, only a couple feet away.

The bird was eventually able to get up in the air and fly away with no issue. Thank you so much to the kind man that went out of his way to help out. If we decided to change our plans that day, there is a high probability that this bird would have drowned.

If by chance the man who helped out that day sees this picture, I would be happy to have the image printed so you can have it as a cool story to tell.” -Craig Bretton from Craig Bretton Photography’s Facebook Page.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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