YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts Receives $50,000 Grant from Avon Breast Health Outreach Program for Breast Cancer Awareness Program

The Avon Breast Health Outreach Program has awarded a $50,000 one-year grant to the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts (YWCA) to increase awareness of the life-saving benefits of early detection of breast cancer and to provide translation and referral services. It is the 18th year that the program has received funding from the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade to support its work on this important health issue, and in recognition of the program’s excellence.

The Health and Wellness Program at YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts will educate Southeastern Massachusetts area women and refer them to low-cost or free mammograms and clinical breast exams in their own communities. The vital program will also provide accompaniment services, education and outreach in the area of breast cancer.

Since July, 1994, the Health and Wellness Program at the YWCA has reached more than 65,000 women with information about the importance of early detection of breast cancer and has referred almost 12,500 women for mammograms and clinical breast exams.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, 6010 new cases of breast cancer will be detected in Massachusetts this year and 770 lives will be lost. While advances have been made in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure, early detection still affords the best opportunity for successful treatment. Programs such as the YWCA’s Health and Wellness Program help ensure that all women have access to early detection information and options, even poor and medically underserved women.

“We are proud that the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade shares our mission and has chosen to support our program. With these funds we will be able to provide outreach, education, referrals to screening service, and support services to a much broader group of women in Southeastern Massachusetts,” said Gail Fortes, Executive Director of YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts.

Since 1993, the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade has awarded more than 1,800 grants to community-based breast health programs across the United States, including YWCA Health and Wellness Program at YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts. The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade awards funding to beneficiaries ranging from leading cancer centers to community-based grassroots breast health programs to support breast cancer research and access to care. Many programs are dedicated to educating underserved women about breast cancer and linking them to early detection screening services. Visit avonbhop.org for more information.

The Avon Breast Health Outreach Program is administered by Cicatelli Associates Inc. to support community-based, non-profit breast health programs across the country. The Fund’s National Advisory Board selected YWCA Health and Wellness Program at YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts as one of 56 new grant recipients nationwide in the 2016 cycle of Avon Breast Health Outreach Program grants. These organizations were chosen based on their ability to effectively reach women, particularly minority, low-income, and older women, who are often medically underserved.

For more information on Health and Wellness at YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts, please call 508 999-3255 To learn more about the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program, visit www.avonbhop.org

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