Your Theatre, Inc. will hold open auditions for True West on Tuesday, July 14 and Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

No experience is needed, but you should have a desire and commitment to live theatre.

Your Theatre, Inc. director Margo Wilson-Ruggerio will hold open auditions for all roles in the contemporary drama, True West, by Sam Shepard, on Tuesday, July 14 and Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Auditions will consist of a cold reading from the script. Acting experience is not necessary, but role seekers should have a desire to share the experience of and commitment to live theatre and the enjoyment of collaborating with other talented individuals.

Director Wilson-Ruggerio is seeking to fill the roles of three men and one woman.

Austin: Early thirties, square and conservative, Ivy League Graduate. He is an ambitions screenwriter who lives with his wife and children in Northern California. He is doing some research for a screenplay at his mother’s house in Southern California while she is on a trip to Alaska. Motivated by the presence of his free spirited, yet threatening brother, Austin’s character transforms as the play evolves.

Lee: Early forties, Austin’s older brother. He is the exact opposite of Austin in all ways. He’s a nonconformist drunken thief who has come to his mother’s neighborhood to loot the neighbors of household appliances. Lee’s character also transforms and the two effectively switch roles.

Saul Kimmer: Late forties, Hollywood producer.

Mom: Early sixties, mother of the brothers, small woman, conservative.

This American classic explores alternatives that might spring from the demented terrain of the California landscape. Sons of a desert dwelling alcoholic and a suburban wanderer clash over a film script. Austin, the achiever, is working on a script he has sold to producer Saul Kimmer when Lee, a demented petty thief, drops in. He pitches his own idea for a movie to Kimmer, who then wants Austin to junk his bleak, modern love story and write Lee’s trashy Western tale.

The production runs January 14-24, 2016. Actors must be available for all performances. Rehearsals will start mid to late October.

Auditions are held at the wheelchair accessible Your Theatre, Inc. Playhouse located at 136 Rivet St. (corner of County St.), New Bedford, at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church complex. Parking and entrance located at rear of church on County St. Further information about the audition is available by calling Your Theatre, Inc. at 508-993-0772, or by sending an email to The theatre’s web site is

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