World’s greatest Ukelele Orchestra visits New Bedford ; births New Bedford’s own Ukulele Ensemble

The wildly popular ensemble create is armed with high-octane ukulele solos, heavenly harmonies, hilarious audience participation and outrageous costumes.

Renowned for their winning combination of charming Kiwi humor, the disarmingly small ukulele, and sublime musicality, the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra the world’s greatest modern ukulele acts. Their United States debut tour makes a stop at The Zeiterion Performing Arts Center, New Bedford on Sunday, January 11 at 2PM. Tickets prices range from $20 to $39.50 and can be purchased on-line at, by phone 508-994-2900 or at The Z Box office located at 684 Purchase Street in downtown New Bedford.

Hailing from New Zealand, and sharing DNA with Flight of the Conchords (their co-founder was member Bret McKenzie), the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra are critically acclaimed as “New Zealand’s hottest music/comedy ensemble.” (Christchurch Arts Festival). The wildly popular ensemble create is armed with high-octane ukulele solos, heavenly harmonies, hilarious audience participation and outrageous costumes.

Featuring a dozen ukuleles anchored by a double bass, The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra’s on-stage antics are legendary. Their comedic banter is spontaneous, and when they burst into song, the sweet sounds can silence a room in a nanosecond, or bring a crowd of thousands to their feet. Their repertoire features songs made famous by artists such as Justin Timberlake, Dolly Parton, Elvis, The Beatles, Cyndi Lauper, Prince, Kenny Rogers and Kings of Leon, alongside tunes from the South Pacific, all packaged into a spectacular funfest.

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra has virtuoso ukulele skills, and their love of the instrument has inspired the creation and debut performance of “The Zukes” – thirty, new local ukulele players whose instruments and lessons were donated by The Symphony Music Shop in honor of The Zeiterion’s ‘Year of The Uke.’ “We are thrilled to put this happy, little instrument in the hands of 30 new, dedicated players and I can’t wait to hear their song at the Wellington performance,” exclaims Bob Williamson, owner of The Symphony Music Shop.
Tickets for The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra start at $20 and can be purchased at, 508-994-2900 or at The Z Box office located at 684 Purchase Street in downtown New Bedford. 02740. Box office hours are Tuesday through Friday 10:00am-5:00pm, and Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm. For more information, visit

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra’s website

What the critics say about The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra:

“They’ve got a pretty solid handle on soulful vocal harmonies. But their real secret weapon is comedy. They might be just some boys and girls with ukuleles, but they add up to something really beautiful in the end.” – MTV Iggy

“Resistance is futile” – Sunday Star-Times, NZ

“These guys and girls sing as well as they play – and they play like a dream” STV, Scotland

“Great chemistry, genuine warmth; the show climaxes to rapturous applause” Festival Journal, UK

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