Wareham police filmed in disturbance

This video shows two Wareham police officers reporting to 17 Camardo Drive in Wareham for an abandoned child call. The lady in the video below went to get some strawberry milk and someone reported the baby as abandoned to the police. The cops arrived and the reported abandoned child (screaming in the video) was in the house.

Richard Phillips was filming from inside the home as the older woman was explaining things to the police when one of the police officers attempts to grab the camera phone and appears to accidentally strike a 58-year old Wareham woman. The officers enter the home and then exit. Then one of the officers refuses to remove his foot from the door so the residents can close the door while they call 911 to report incident.

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  1. Thats not right in any way..if he supposedly didn’t do it on purpose why didn’t he apologize? This is what our tax money goes to, ignorant cops who do anything but not do there job. These kind of things happen on a day to day basis. Cops put on thier badge and gun and they think there superman when there just insecure a ssholes. I know this first hand my father is a cop. I hope this video becomes worldwide along with other videos of cops not obeying the law! Thy are not the law they are just regular people who are SUPPOSE to reinforce it!

    • He did apologize you idiot….you just can’t hear him over “Mr. Phillips” blowing the whole thing out of proportion! Plus you posted this video before even knowing the story…nice website you have here…so accurate

      • How could he possibly be blowing it out of proportion? The officer entered the home and tried to confiscate personal property without having a warrant. That’s illegal. In the process, he assaulted two people. Intent does not matter if the assault happens while committing another crime.

        Police can’t just come into your home and take your stuff.

        • What he was actually trying to do was brake the phone by swatting it out of his hand, and then he could commit whatever crime he wanted and it would be there word against ours.. That Part only then when it didn’t work out for him like braking the phone < the public is putting blowing everything out of proportion

      • This dude is an asshole..he assaulted the guy holding rhe camera while he was in his home..what part of that you don’t get.thwn he hit the woman while in a crimnal act..it doesn’t matter if it was a mistake..he was wrong from saying he can’t record him..an apology..for what the assault or the assault..or the forced entry without a warrant. .or the smug look on his face while this was happening. .you really think he should wear a badge?..or because they’re poor and black it’s cool?

      • He DID NOT apologize, instead he was backed up (as in made to move back) by the other officer, and then stood there with a smile on his face. Even when he was told that the woman he had just hit was a 58 year old who had just had a double hip replacement and was using a walker.

      • Officer Chandler still smacking old ladys and getting away with it.Bitch Ass Police.Some things never change.Come get me Bich Boy.No Heart

  2. Wareham is the most corrupt, backward town I have ever seen. This doesn’t surprise me at all. Sorry to say, the idiots at town hall will clear this asshole of any wrong doing. Every duche in that town government should be burned at the stake! Good luck residents of Wareham. You’ll need it.

  3. Wow, another person that shouldn’t be wearing a police uniform. When they first swear in they say to protect & to serve. This cop is doing total opposite.
    I remember back in the day when cops was actually real cops real heroes. Now theirs only a few of the good ones. So sad. Now a days anyone can be a cop. I’m a tax paying citizen and I’m pissed to know that my money goes to them.

    • When I was 15 and an officer stopped my friend and I walking down the street, then told us to put our hands on their car while he ran our names through his computer for walking home when the sun was going down (this was considered curfew) We agreed and she was angry and started mouthing off so I told her to just shut up officers are here to serve and protect us and the community because unfortunately I believed that when I was that age. The officer then looked at me and said shut the fuck up, we’re not here to serve and protect shit! My perspective of all officers changed at that moment.

  4. Half the force knows a few guys who drink and drive an have no license. And they do nothing and know they drive other peoples vehicles also. And when one of these guys harass someone innocent they don’t do crap to help

  5. Before commenting, check grammar and spelling. It strengthens your point. Just a thought.

  6. The cop was trying to get someone upset so that he could come into the house. He touches you its ok, you touch him its a felony. He knew exactally what he was doing.

    The people in the house made the mistake of opening the door. YOU NEVER EVER OPEN THE DOOR TO A COP. This is just another example of it. You go to a window ask what they want. The cop will say he cant hear you, tell him you can hear him just fine and you wont move from the window view, tell him that you need to stay in view because you dont want to scare him. Tell him that you will stand there, I he NEEDS to come in and he has a warrant to knock the door down, but you dont move. NEVER EVER OPEN THE DOOR TO A COP!!!

    Discuss your buisness through a window.

    • Thank goodness someone decided to start recording. This is happening more and more everyday police brutality needs to be stopped! I myself, a woman and resident of wareham, have a police video of 3 male police officers pinning me on the ground yelling at me to get down when i already was because one of them had there foot on the back of my neck. police are on power trips and think they can do whatever they want. why can they assault us but we cannot defend ourselves?! These police officers Do not deserve that badge. We the people have the RIGHT to record them and they hate it because its proof they are shitbags 🙂 #whathappenedtoourrights

    • People call the cops when they shouldn’t. They try and resolve a situation by using the treat of police intervention but not realizing that the police when they arrive aren’t on anyone’s side but there own. Don’t call the cops unless your life/property is in immediate jeopardy. Don’t let them in unless you absolutely have to. The cops didn’t show up at this house randomly. Someone called them and very quickly realized it was a bad idea once they were there. Police officers are people, some are good some aren’t and their no better at dealing with your drama than you are.

    • thank you e that is good to know

  7. First of all That Cop is a straight up crooked Douchebag. He should have never grabbed for the camera due to the fact that the man behind the camera was not committing a crime in any way shape or form . Also the cop should have IMMEDIATELY apologized, learned the reason of the original call, assisted, and then vacated the premises. Also if I was either of that ladies son’s… That officer would’ve had his foot slammmmed in the door then had some hopefully Official by the book! men of law report to my humble abode and remove the original officers from my property…Then if the officer who’s foot I slammed in the door tried saying ANYTHING…It was self defense I got it ALL on video tape CROOKED!

    • By slamming the door on his foot would be reason enough to pull out his gun saying he feared for his life. They dont mind killing black men or women!! Our lives mean nothing to them and they KNOW they can get away with MURDERING s black person!!!!

  8. This video is a damn joke. The douche bag filming is just instigating and making it worse! And he never shuts the f*** up the whole time. Sorry to say but the ones filming are scum, based on the way in looked in the house, I’m sure they were all living off government cheese! Lazy fu***** bums with nothing better to do with their days. It should say something about them, having the cops called on them in the first place. It was clearly an accident as you can tell from the cops reaction and I’m pretty sure he said sorry. Just can’t hear him over the loudmouth!

    • I agree. You can tell they’re a bunch of trash who’re just trying to cause trouble.

      • I lived in Wareham for many years. I know all the people involved. They were filming to make the police officers look bad. That was easy to tell with all the yelling. All those bashing the officers will be the first to call when they need them.

    • I agree with you….the person filming is so f-ed up. How did he go from the cop trying to grab his phone to the cop beat the shit out of his mom. The cop barely touched her because she was in the way. Come on, so messed up.

  9. That everytime I see they Dead a police officer I said thanks God but people are alway shooting the wrong ones they be dreading the good cops instead of the ones who wrongly treat civilian like if u want war go to Iraq they pussies even military think Cops are Soft

    • Bull! unless he was placing somebody under arrest he has no buisness bein there damn clown cops ona power trip ur either racist or a cop beat it

  10. This guy filming is an jerk and is looking to start crap. I did some research and asked a few people and if the police were there for a legitimate reason in this case what seems from the article to check a child they have the rightto enter and even force entry. Were some things bad sure. But that dude should have gone to jail

    • Just so you know, you’re a moron. First off, no law enforcement officials can enter any home without permission or a warrant UNLESS they see or hear, or otherwise ascertain that a crime is being committed inside the premises.

      Secondly, the man filming broke no laws, so arresting him is also illegal. You need to go get a degree in law before you start acting like you know what’s up. I can let you borrow mine if you’d like.

      And Christian, you’re nothing but a judgmental prick. Who cares if they are lazy? First off, you’re a racist joke for even assuming they don’t work or have roles they play in life, and even if you’re right in that racist assumption, what does that have to do with Cops acting like assholes for no reason? I’m sure if cops were called to your home and then whacked the shit out of your mother, you’d just say.. “Oh, that’s not a problem, officer. Hit her again if you’d like.” Right?

      • All of you are idiots. That family is a bunch of criminals that have the cops at that house on a regular basis. And you don’t just need a warrant to enter a home. All you need is probable cause and there was probable cause to enter that residence. As for the Wareham PD, they are like every police department. Every one has a few bad eggs in them. By the way, my name is sander wells and I’m not afraid to put my name on here like the rest of you.

        • It was illegal for this officer to enter the home. He had no probable cause. He came in and tried to grab the guy’s phone, which he was using as a camera. He broke the law, and in the process, he assaulted two people. It doesn’t matter if the police come to that house every day. The people still have Constitutional rights, and this officer violated them.

        • Your an idiot lol I didn’t post this I just commented. Dumb fuck. I don’t care what anyone says. My father’s been a cop for over 30 years, I know cops. These cops think they can do whatever.. So what if the people filming are lazy and don’t work doesn’t make it right for these so called officers to do this. They are suppose to SERVE AND PROTECT! this is not that whatsoever. Case closed.

      • Amen to that. Those cops were complete pricks. If ANYONE put their hands on my mother (cop, civilian, whoever) I promise They will never get another chance to do it to anyone else ever again. that’s a promise!!!!! I will defend my family and my home till the death of me!!! Without that badge they are bitch and half!

    • Joe, you SEEM like a racist White guy with an attitude. The guy filming had every right to film what he saw as a home invasion. Black folks don’t get the same courtesies that White folks do and I’m white. If I were black (or white) and had done nothing wrong, you can bet I’d be filming! Cops now operate under GUILTY until proven innocent. Granted the guy filming was loud but he was concerned about his mother who was ready to cry and he was channeling his anger into his words instead of his fist!

      • I think Joe and Christian (Ironic that name for someone of those written words) are actually the same ignorant racist person masquerading under different names. Someone who hates black folk for just being. The stupid remarks about govt cheese – it must really grind you to see that family owning a house with two nice couches and a smartphone with a video camera. Bet you hate our Harvard Law School President too! You must really despise yourself to make such snap judgements of others in order to avoid the problem of police brutality. Cause guess what – they won’t treat White Trash much better in the end either if the cop is an inveterate bully…

  11. The point that Christian somehow manages to miss is that the residents were well within their rights to be recording. Why did the cop swipe at the phone in the first place, Chris? That part wasn’t an accident. Why is he so threatened by the act of filming?

  12. This some insane shit. Police Officers are corrupt as hell. This isn’t the first time people video taped Officers entering a home with no warrant or reason, hitting a person once of several times, putting their hands on someone when it’s not needed. I swear the government just thinks it’s okay to hand out badges to anyone who passes the exam and police academy, no it’s not right.

  13. he was going for the camera phone definitely didn’t slap her….this is complete bull shit what trash. Next they’re going to try and sue probably. Poor cops….fucking trash just trying to make a buck off the state using technology

  14. The cop was there for a child abandonment call, he isn’t supposed to let them close the door and I do believe he is within rights to enter the home to check on the child, they take child abandonment calls very seriously. The one officer should have controlled himself better in trying to take the camera away, but in that mistake he accidentally hit the elderly woman. That accident is the focus of this story. You can hear him apologize when he moves away from the house. The guy in the house seems to be on drugs or drunk the way he was moving around and talking. The house was a complete wreck. The officer was holding the door open and you could hear him say he wanted to make sure the lady or the child was alright. This is a horrible video. Why would you even report something like this? Why try to make officers look bad when they clearly are trying to do their job to protect and serve that child. Ridiculous.

    • Absolutely right Alicia and the officer in question removed himself from the incident after his lack of of judgment and let the lieutenant handle the incident. The police had probable cause to enter that residence because it was a child endangerment call. He has to investigate and check on the child’s well being

      • Um the cops made no mention of concern for the welfare of a child. They didn’t see a child when they drove up as the child had to have been inside already. You cannot enter someone’s home because a call came through that a child was left alone. THEY DIDN’T SEE A CHILD. Probable cause does NOT apply in this situation. If they had a right to enter, why did he go for the phone when he entered? Why didn’t the office with his foot in the door tell them that they had probable cause to enter?

  15. I’ve heard the voice you hear is a trouble maker. I’m sorry mom was caught in the middle. But they are just looking for a pay day. WPD has a lot on their hands clearly.

  16. The asshole filming is an instigator and needs to get a life! Loser!! “Smacket the shit out of my mothers face”. Pure trash!!

  17. TRASH!!!!! You provoke the police and then turn it into a police brutality case? Scum of the earth looking for a lawsuit. Probably live off the system. I hope that poor child is taken from that home it is a volatile environment and I can only imagine what the child has seen or heard. Clearly an accident.

    • He can do whatever the heck he wants to do from inside that house. He broke NO law that day. What child Jillian? Did YOU see a child in that video? Did you see a police report stating that there was a child? Why become aggressive when you believe there is a child in need of assistance in that house? Some of you people have such a disdain for people that don’t look like you that it’s sickening. The police brought the bs to THEIR home, not the streets, not a public place their home.

  18. Perfect example of police brutality! The sad thing is no matter how many videos there are out there like this police are never repramanded. Instead they get paid leave or rewarded. To all of the people who think police are ” heroes”or are doing their “job” wait until its you or your family being harrassed or beat up by one of these scumbags!! I am a resident of wareham this is disgusting these guys are here to protect and serve us MY ASS! I have gone threw this first hand. i caught 3 males officers on video pinning me down (im a waman) im already on the ground hand cuffed behind my back and there screaming at me to get down while one of them has there combat boot on the back of my neck…the whole thing caught right on my camera phone and you can see by the angle im pinned down while the phone pointa up! Keep in mind people this could happen to you 😉

  19. I am happy to pay taxes for police to serve and protect us. It’s these uneducated, rapid breeding , gangster wannabe idiots sitting at home watching jerry springer while I work to pay for them to live that bothers me. They need to thank the cops, if it wasn’t for them what would stop the other dirty underwear flaunting Bros next door from “bussin a cap in they ass?”

  20. How do you not know your mom’s address?

    • I was thinking the same thing when he kept yelling asking for the address. lol. He messed up there. Hope that poor child is in a safe house now.

  21. Anyone who agrees with these police and judges these resisdents are nothing but SUB-OPPRESSORS!

  22. So just because they are black and poor makes them trash? There can’t be any good poor black people out there right? Even if they are trash, criminal’s on welfare does that mean it’s ok to violate their rights? In all 50 states it is legal to video record encounters with law enforcement. So by smacking the camera away from him and accidentally hitting old lady wouldn’t that make the officer a criminal? If I accidentally hit a police officer and apologized I don’t get off the hook because it was an accident. Bottom line the officer violated a civilian rights. He should be fired and ineligible to work in law enforcement again.

  23. Whether it was an accident or not is besides the point. He HIT an elderly woman trying to take a camera so no one could record the incident in question. It is my right to record whenever, so long as I announce to you that I’m recording you. This video will be admissible in court due to the gentleman recording announcing it. I watched several times and never heard nor seen an apology. As for the family being trash…I don’t know them and clearly most of the other commenters don’t either…but keep in mind being black does not make you trash. The house appeared clean maybe a few things laying around. ..there was a Child in the house…it happens.
    I give credit where credit is due….neither of the gentlemen involved did what my family members would have done to protect our mom or grandmothers. We would have been arrested after that slap. AND had smiling mugshots!
    In my opinion things could have gotten bad for the officers IF as people are saying , and this family were gang bangers or real criminals. I hope this gets investigated fully and he is fired….or he could always ask to be transferred to Florida. …we can some him how to respect someone’s momma.:)

  24. The cop obviously didn’t intentionally strike the woman… The police have been summoned there 57 times since 2006… These people are scum, stereotypical “N” words… As a young black educated man I’m ashamed of them… They are the kind of people that give Afro-Americans a bad wrap in the eyes of other races… And I must say mostly it is justified… I thank God everyday I was raised properly by my adopted white parents because god only knows if my real mother and father would have raised me I’d be like those animals… The world would be a better place with out these type of people in it and I feel for this young child hopefully he somehow winds up with propper parenting and does well for himself as do I…

    • Please do us ALL a favor & SHUT UP! How dumb and racist does your want to be black self sound???? Like a dumb ass that’s what.

    • Don’t get it twisted Lex. In the eyes of any courupt, bigoted, racist person out there, you to will be looked upon as a no good, lazy, gangster N____R. Just look at how our Harvard educated, raised by his white mother and white grand parents president is being treated. Let’s see how you feel when one of the bad seeds in blue take your pompous ass down a peg or two.

    • First off Alex, how do you know it was them living there since 2006, and maybe that is why your mom and dad gave you up. They knew you would say some stupid stuff like this.

  25. Those people weather they’re scumbags living off the system is irrelevant. They had every right within the law to film the police officers doing their job. At the same time the cops had probable cause to enter the residence to check on the welfare of the child and the elderly woman. The police officers should have backed up and called their supervisors to the scene and waited once they started screaming about police brutality. A lot of cops now days think they are above the law and can do whatever they want to whoever they want without being punished under the same laws they are sworn to uphold. Even if they were breaking the law that doesn’t give the police any right to abuse their power as officers of the law. They should be held accountable for their actions just like everyone else.

  26. Shut the hell up at Lex. You are about as black as a white piece of paper. These cops were in the wrong and that’s the truth. That piece of garbage cop shouldn’t have grabbed for the camera. He was scared of the camera because he knew he was in the wrong and didn’t want to be caught.

  27. Something to consider for community dialogue. The videotape does not offer proof of there being a racial pretext to the Assault & Battery committed by the officer. There is no hate based name calling; to establish that sort of intent under the color of law.

    1)The person inside the privacy of his home actually did what was necessary under the MGL c. 272 sec 99 the “wiretap” statute because legally there are only four permissible ways police get inside that home: 1) by consent; 2) by warrant; 3) under exigent circumstance and 4) under community caretaker.

    Each of these four legally permissible ways to lawfully enter that dwelling evaporated once police arrived and became aware there was no child in danger – caretaker doctrine evaporates; no signs of a prior fight – exigent circumstance evaporates; no warrant – nobody arrested; and lastly, nobody inside the home gave consent for police to enter.

    The reach across the threshold to seize the phone is a fourth amendment violation under the color of law. The strike of the individual’s hand holding the phone and the strike of the elderly woman may or may not have intent but none the less any battery whether deliberate or not is illegal under MGL.

    The entering the home absent reasonable suspicion and probable cause is also illegal under MGL.

    It is imperative that policemen understand the law, their oath to citizens to protect & serve and that punishment will be metered out fairly in these situations. Nobody citizen is above the law; especially a highly trained policeman. For this reason, based on the totality of the circumstances and depending on whether the actual victims pursue a complaint it will probably be necessary for the Wareham integrity unit to consider punishment up to and including termination for these illegal acts if a formal complaint is received.

    It is up to the citizens to decide to file a formal complaint for the internal process to evaluate this issue, correct malfeasance and to report its findings in a very transparent way.

    What Wareham does not do to correct this is how others will evaluate Wareham’s politics.

    • Who said they were scum based on race? My opinion of them is based on them leaving a baby alone while they went to the store, has everyone forgotten that? They deserve more than a little tap on the cheek for that one!

      • You don’t have ANY proof that a child was left alone and clearly neither did the cops. For all we know the person who called has an issue with someone at that location and lied. We don’t know. How can you honestly judge someone based on something you have no proof of? Doesn’t that make you an idiot?

      • Who said they went to the store? She could have went in the kitchen, she just said she went to get her strawberry milk

  28. From reading all the comments it seems like for some people racism is alive and well it must suck to be that hateful. Having been raised in onset the wareham pd always treated me with respect. Current nb resident

  29. To all above commenters:
    #1. Wareham has its share of problems.
    #2. All cops are not assholes (but some get off on the power trip)
    #3. use google for the above mentioned home owners/ they are drug addicts, losers who were neglecting a 3 year old kid who was left on their lawn to the kids own devices & the cops have been called to the address on over a dozen occasions.

    • Was ANYONE charged with child endangering regarding this incident? Did the officers actually SEE a child unattended or a child at all? Regardless of the criminal history of the occupants what the officers did in this situation was illegal.

  30. I think the cops was wrong and justice need to be served. Cops getting off free for what they do then they will keep doing it. If I would have big faced someone like that I would have went to jail simple as that I don’t care if they are poor everyone should be treated equal.

  31. Are police officers re-educated annually or semi-annually on what they can and cannot do? You would think in this day and age of high resolution cameras on phones and all the information online to educate or re-educate yourself that these tools would be used or a note of caution would be practiced.

    i hear a lot about these people are lazy and don’t work, mooching off the system. There’s no actual evidence of that here and its only an assumption. I for one don’t care for the the individuals who have taken advantage of the system and turn it into a career and live off of it for decades, they should be ashamed of themselves and only use it for the TEMPORARY crutch it was designed for, not making a career out of it.

    With that said some and not all cops are on a power trip. They have a badge and gun and think they’re are above the law. Think what you will about the people opposite of the police on this video but they have rights. I know I want those rights upheld and not trampled over. Once you start giving up your rights and let the governing side do what they want with no explanation or punishment, you’re only screwing over yourself. You should record the cops when your being stopped or asked questions by them, in the case you are arrested there report is being used against you and its there word against yours. I’m sure no one on here who has ever been arrested looked over their police report and found fabricated material, right!

  32. If you call the police you are a female dog. Police are not needed. When was the last time you heard of a cop catching a rapeist, child molester, ect. All they are good for is for pulling you over and giving out tickets creating revenue for the city or state. They are a waste of taxpayers money. If you need help call your friends family or neighbors. If you see a crime being committed do something about it! There is a reason for the 2nd ammendment. Buy a gun and protect your family, friends and neighbors.

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