School committee, Educators Association approve Gomes Elementary extended learning grant application

The School Committee on Monday approved a memorandum of agreement with the New Bedford Educators Association for the Alfred J. Gomes Elementary School to apply for an expanded learning time (ELT) grant from the Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Gomes teachers ratified the proposal to apply for the grant last week. ELT would provide more time on teaching and learning for the students Gomes as well as additional professional development and common planning time for teachers at Gomes.

If the Gomes School is successful, the grant would add eight additional days to the school year at Gomes and alter school hours to 7:55 a.m. through 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, adding 322 hours to the school year.

“This is the first time a New Bedford public school has applied for an expanded learning time grant, and it shows that our teachers at Gomes are committed to building an excellent school for our students,” said Superintendent Pia Durkin. “Expanded time on teaching and learning plus professional development and common planning time will give our teachers more tools to best serve our children.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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