Civic Support’s Holiday Food & Items Drive

Located upstairs at 36 N. Water Street on Thursday, December 11th from 5- 8:00 PM.

Civic Support, a 501c3 nonprofit in downtown New Bedford is hosting a food and items drive to benefit Catholic Social Services. Catholic Social Services provides food to local families and also runs Sister Rose’s Shelter in New Bedford. The public is invited to participate by attending Civic Support’s open house, located upstairs at 36 N. Water Street on Thursday, December 11th from 5- 8:00 PM.

The open house will take place on the same night as the December AHA! event, and attendees are invited to come by the office to bring donations and enjoy networking and light refreshments. Items being sought include; nonperishable food items, lightly worn coats, new winter wear (hats, scarves, gloves), new clothing items (socks and underwear), and razors and shaving cream.

This will be a time for community members to come together to not only share the company of new faces, but also to share a common goal of raising hunger awareness to the greater New Bedford community. “As a nonprofit that operates in New Bedford, we have been blessed by many levels of community support.  We are hoping that we can help give back to the community this holiday season by hosting this food and items drive” explains Shonna Ryan, a director at Civic Support.

For those who are unable to make it to the open house event on December 11th, there are several other locations throughout Greater New Bedford that are hosting donation boxes. For more information about these donation stations, go to

Civic Support is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides outreach and business support to community organizations. Since 2011 Civic Support has been providing support to nonprofits and community projects within the Greater New Bedford region. For more information, contact Shonna Ryan by emailing, or visit

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