Bachant’s Gun Shop: orphanage, classes and one stop shop for guns, accessories and collectibles

Owner Bill Bachant with his best friend. Bill has been in the gun business approaching three decades.

We all know what a gun range, accessories and collectibles are, but what in tarnation is a gun orphanage? In a nutshell, it’s a facility that buys unwanted guns and parts. Bachant’s Gun Shop in Lakeville, MA also offers a variety of accessories, and a very eclectic set of guns. Some you simply won’t see anywhere else. They may one-of-a-kind finds, extremely rare, or even a bit strange.

Owner, buyer, personality, Bill Bachant has been in the gun business for 25 years, assisted by son Garrett and Cindy Parola who is in charge of disposition, packing and shipping. The business is a “front” for his passion: all things guns. Strike up a conversation with Bill and that passion will come oozing forth. He loves guns, their history, the craftsmanship and building of them and everything else. In addition, he owns Bachant Builders Inc. and LaForce Realty. Building, Guns and Real Estate!

A rather posh dueling kit – case and two pistols.

Stroll through his shop and you will come across many popular guns up for sale. The “expected” standards come and go at some pretty unbelievably affordable prices. Stop in frequently, since Bachant not only offers guns, parts and accessories – he also buys ALL weapons and parts for cash. That means, if you haven’t stopped in for some time, you may miss something rare, unusual or unique.

What are some of the rare or more interesting items Bill has bought that you may come across on a visit? Recently he purchased a Civil War cannon, he once bought a pickup truck load of military gear and gun parts, a dummy flintlock, a dueling kit, a complete inventory from a retired gunsmith, and a cache of guns and parts that included an AK-47, Revolutionary War Musket – 200 guns and 30,000 rounds of ammunition in total.

Have unwanted firearms? Bachant will take them off your hands – everything from BB gun to machine gun, in any condition to boot. Have a beat up firearm? Is it in pieces? No problem, Bachant will take them too. You can get rid of these safely and legally, keeping them from getting into the wrong hands. Bill is a federally licensed Class II manufacturer of firearms, so your junk firearms are “treasures” to him.

You never know what you might come across at Bachant’s Gun Shop – Revolutionary War Muskets, Civil War Cannons, or a Colt LMG clone AR-15 w/ a holographic sight!

Often people, will take their unwanted guns and deposit them at the local police station. Why do that, when you can get paid instead? Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a gun permit to sell the gun to Bachant’s. Don’t feel comfortable transporting it? Cal Bill and he’ll stop by your house and buy everything right on the spot. “We don’t cherry pick. I won’t rummage around. I’ll scoop up everything you have.” Bill told me. Bill is so eager to buy, that he even offers a 10% finder’s fee for $1000 or more in a single pick up. If you have a scoop, let him know.

Reading this article and live some distance from Lakeville? You can mail your firearm and Bachant will send you a check!

Outside of the gun orphanage aspect of the business, Bachant’s offers all the firearms you could possibly be interested in. His website, not only contains his current inventory of shotguns, rifles, pistols, flare guns, BB guns, magazines, clips, optics, and more, but each image contains information and price. You can stop in or shop online and have it shipped to you. As expected, there are some collectibles and antique items to accompany the modern selection.

If you aren’t in the market for a firearm or don’t have something to get rid of, you may be interested in his gun safety classes: NRA Pistol Safety Course or International Small Arms of the World Class. The NRA Pistol Safety Course is necessary for Massachusetts residents to get their Class A license. The class covers the single and double action revolver, semi-automatic pistols, AR-15 and the AK-47. Students get a certificate and study guide.

The International Small Arms of the World Class covers a myriad of firearms like the M-16, AK-47, MP-5, MAC-10, MG-13, RPG7, M-14, FNC, MP-40, Sten, MK2, and many more. This class is 8 hours long and includes lunch, a certificate and one of his “badass” T-shirts.

Bachant’s inventory consists of a balance between antique, collectible and modern firearms.

If none of these interest you, because you already have your firearm collection maxed out, and/or you already are certified and experienced with firearms, you may still be interested because of the edged weapons or hunting accessories Bachant’s offers in the form of safety orange clothing, vinyl Gille suits, camo gear, or woodland Gortex boot covers. In the edged weapons department you will find include bayonets, Chinese fighting claws, or WWI German Ersatz.

As mentioned above, stop in frequently since Bill often purchases something daily. There is always something new on the shelves and there’s always someone seeking the eclectic types of items Bachant’s offers, so if you don’t stop in frequently enough you may miss out on that special something!

Bachant’s Gun Shop has become so popular, that Bill is currently working on opening a retail shop in Lakeville – stay tuned!

Bachant’s Gun Orphanage
Lakeville, MA
Phone: (508) 295-7712
“Always Open” online


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About Joe Silvia

When Joe isn't writing, he's coaching people to punch each other in the face. He enjoys ancient cultures, dead and living languages, cooking, benching 999#s, and saving the elderly, babies and puppies from burning buildings. While he enjoys long walks on the beach, he will not be your alarm clock, because he's no ding-a-ling.

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