Ashley Ford donates car to Greater New Bedford Voc Tech High School’s annual After Prom event

Pictured with Mr. Bancroft of Ashley Ford is GNB Voc-Tech Stationary Engineering graduate, Alex Soares of New Bedford.

The After Prom provides a healthy, safe and substance-free celebration to all Voc-Tech graduating seniors and their guests after the Senior Prom. It is donations, support, and fundraising efforts by parents, staff and local businesses (like Ashley Ford) that make this event the great success it is year after year.

Bob Bancroft, the owner of Ashley Ford in New Bedford, MA, graciously donated a 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix to be raffled off at the 2016 After Prom event on Thursday, May 26, 2016. Not only did Ashley Ford donate the vehicle, they also did some body work on the car and gave it a fresh new coat of paint.

“With a senior class just under 500 students, the anticipation for who would win the car at this year’s event was very high,” said After Prom Advisor, Jenn Gaspar. She added that, “this is the best vehicle we’ve ever received to give away to a student. We can’t thank Mr. Bancroft and the folks at Ashley Ford enough for their generosity!”

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