’s Top 10 Articles of 2014

2014 is over and there were a lot of memorable events in New Bedford and the South Coast, MA area. Based on website traffic, here are the top 10 stories on for 2014. Click on the title to read the story.

10. Chair Thrown at New Bedford High School Teacher Joanne Maura 

Joanne Maura was the New Bedford High School teacher that had a chair thrown at her by a student upset that she took his phone.

9. 100th New Bedford Portuguese Feast Survival Guide

The 100th Portuguese Feast was a big event featuring the Gin Blossoms, amazing food and a record breaking crowd.

8. New Bedford Guide’s Best Breakfast Spots

We asked New Bedford Guide Facebook followers for the best breakfast spots in the New Bedford area. We compiled a list of the top 18.

7. Two men arrested in New Bedford for stealing tires

Over several months leading up to the arrests, several dozen cars were left on milk crates with their tires stolen. Two of the infamous tire thieves were caught in the act.

6. Double Homicide Investigation Underway in New Bedford

New Bedford started off the new year with a double homicide that occurred in mid-January.

5. Earthquake Shakes South Coast, MA

In February, New Bedford had two earthquakes within minutes of each other.

4. Police-Involved Shooting Fatality in Dartmouth

Dartmouth Police got into a shootout at an apartment at 3 Ledgewood Boulevard in Dartmouth. The result was the shooter being killed by police.

3. 2014 Whaling City Festival canceled

After almost 45 years of celebrations, the Whaling City Festival, one of the city’s trademark events will be canceling the 2014 festival.

2. Seven shot in New Bedford overnight

Seven New Bedford residents (4 males and 3 females) were shot in front of Jalice Café.

1. New Bedford Guide’s Best Portuguese Restaurants

On March 1st, 2014, we asked our readers where the best Portuguese restaurant was in the area. We ranked the top 27 Portuguese restaurants.