Traveling display at BCC aims to end the silence surrounding mental health and suicide

For more than a decade, Active Minds’ acclaimed Send Silence Packing® display has traveled the country to end the silence that surrounds mental health and suicide, as well as connect visitors with resources for support and action.

The 2022 display will be at the Bristol Community College Fall River Campus, 777 Elsbree Street, between the John J. Sbrega Health & Science Building (J building) and Jackson Arts Center (H building), on Monday, September 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event is free and open to all.

The all-day display includes personal stories from individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide and is designed to raise awareness about the impact of suicide, connect individuals to mental health resources and inspire action for suicide prevention. Passersby are invited to walk among the Send Silence Packing® backpacks to see the photographs and read the stories attached to them. Many of the backpacks were donated by families who lost a loved one to suicide.

Since its inaugural display in Washington, D.C., in 2008, Send Silence Packing® has reached over a million visitors and counting with messages of hope and help. Evaluation data attests to the display’s impact – most visitors leave wanting to learn more about mental health and the majority tell three or more people about the display and may reach out to a friend in need or seek help for themselves as a result of experiencing it.

“I founded Active Minds as a freshman in college following the death of my brother, Brian, to suicide in order to end the stigma around mental health. Stigma is shame, shame causes silence and silence hurts us all,” said Alison Malmon, Founder and Executive Director of Active Mind. “Send Silence Packing® is a highly visible way to combat that stigma, increase openness and inspire action for suicide prevention.”

Active Minds is a nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults. Active Minds has a presence at more than 800 campuses, schools, communities and workplaces nationwide. The organization is dedicated to ending the silence and changing the conversation about mental health for everyone.

For more information about the Send Silence Packing® display, please visit