Call to all artists: Rhode Island offering $50,000 and stipends for painted portrait of former Gov. Raimondo

How would you like to win a $50,000 commission for your artwork? Furthermore, it comes with additional stipends that will cover the crating and shipping and if you need to travel to make it all happen, the state is willing to cover expenses for that too.

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) is now accepting applications for any artist that thinks and feels they are up to snuff.

“This commission is an opportunity to capture the unique and historic nature of the first woman governor of our state,” said Randall Rosenbaum, the executive director of the RISCA.

All one needs to do is send a resume with six images of your work by the deadline of June 30. Please note: already completed original works of art will not be accepted – the portrait will be a new piece. Over the next few months after the deadline closes, former Governor Raimondo will peruse all the works of art and choose the one she likes the most. Once chosen the winner will have until November 2022 to complete the painting.

You can see more information here.