NBHS student starts children’s entertainment business “Princesses of New Bedford”

What goes better with birthday parties than princesses?

Princesses of New Bedford is a small side business run by New Bedford High School student, Kenzi Farland. She is a 15 year old sophomore and member of the New Bedford High School Drama Club who recently starred with the leading role of Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast! Kenzi was inspired by the young audience members attending the production and discovered her love for working with children.

After playing the role of a princess and seeing the children’s reactions to her as the character, she had an idea to start her own children’s entertainment business! Kenzi now books private parties where she dresses up as different characters, arranges an organized activity such as face painting or story time, takes pictures with the kids, and performs musical numbers for the kids to sing along and enjoy! She also does charity and public events free of charge!

Like her business’s Facebook page: facebook.com/PrincessesofNewBedford or email for any extra information… princessesofnewbedford@gmail.com!