OPINION: Outdoor Smarts


Some important tips for enjoying your day outdoors!

Don’t fear the outdoors, respect it. If you do, your reward is unlimited fun and enjoyment in the various places this area has to offer.

I like beaches. Parks are nice. But I LOVE the woods. It engulfs every sense without attacking it. Like the loud sounds and busy atmosphere that the city does. At least for me. Living here, we have an abundance of options to enjoy the outdoors. With the weather warming up, more are willing to seek out ways to enjoy the day. The best thing we can do for ourselves and our children is to get outside and find out what makes this part of Massachusetts so incredibly awesome. First things first, protect and educate yourself before heading down the road less traveled.

Sun safety

The sun is at it’s strongest between 10am-2pm, and overcast doesn’t matter much as up to 80% of the sun’s rays can still get through the clouds. So if you’re going to be out between those hours, stay in the shade and know that you are at a much higher risk of getting sun damage. No matter the time of day, any long term time spent in the sun, you should have sunblock on. If you’re working outside or going for a swim use water resistant sunblock. Find a good broad spectrum sunblock with an SPF of 15 or higher. Don’t forget that your lips and ears need protection as well. For some reason, people forget that. You should put on sunblock 15 minutes before exposure. Let’s be honest, most of us apply it once we get to our location and unpack. Well, stop it. As a mother I’ve found it easier to put the sunblock on me and the wee ones before getting in the car to leave. Most locations aren’t very far away so this works and honestly it’s just one last thing to remember when you get somewhere and chaos ensues. Just remember, reapply! Sunblock doesn’t last as long as we’d like it to. So follow the instructions. You’ve already bought it, why not use it right? If you are fair skinned or have a history of skin cancer, or for the sake of little ones, a t-shirt and brimmed hat are your best bet (along with sun block). I know, I know… those little bathing suits are cute. But not only can a sunburn be painful it can lead to a lifetime of unrecoverable damage. Oh! Sunglasses!! Look for a good pair that offers 99-100% UV protection. Wrap arounds are the best. Same goes for the kids. Forget those Disney shades, if they don’t have UV protection then they are not saving their eyes from sun damage.

Biting bugs

I think most people can agree that they have a reasonable dislike and maybe fear of ticks and mosquitoes. You are very right to dislike them but fear won’t help you love being outside. There are some absolutely wonderful products out there that can protect you and your family from these two blood suckers and the several others that you may not know about who bite and may also carry disease. I’m going to talk about protecting yourself against the ones outside of your house. Not things like bed bugs and fleas, which could be in your house and carry disease. Although I urge you to educate yourself on that matter. Mosquitoes are public enemy number one. Known to carry diseases such as West Nile Virus, Lyme, and Triple E, but were known best for carrying Malaria and Yellow Fever for thousands of years. There’s nothing pretty about them. I personally don’t know their overall purpose but I think Noah should have swatted them on the Ark and saved us all the aggravation. Protect your home and know where they breed. If you have any size object or container of stagnate water (like a bird bath or a kids toy) keep it clean. If you live next to a pond, marsh land, etc.. then you know those are hot spots. There are plants such as Citronella Grass, Lemon Thyme, etc. that can help repel mosquitoes. If you have a property that is a hot spot and you are able to put up a Bat House, I highly recommend them. They are a mosquitoes worst enemy. They eat up to a 1,000 in an hour and despite how creepy it sounds to know a bat lives nearby. They’re nocturnal (so they won’t ruin your day outside in the yard) and not after your blood like those little insects are.

Lawn sprays that keep the bugs away. I’m not just talking about Grubs and Carpenter Ants. I’m talking about Ticks, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Deer Flies, Black Widows, what have you. I’ve found these to be very effective (I’ve used Bayer but have heard others were just as good). Follow the instructions and be child and pet safe. I know there will be people uncomfortable with this solution. There are natural sprays that claim to be just as effective. I’m all about natural solutions, I’d love to have chickens some day (they not only lay eggs, they EAT ticks!). But I haven’t found a lawn spray as effective, but you should do whatever makes you comfortable.

Ticks. By now everyone knows the words “Lyme Disease”. Our first thought is to the Deer Tick. Although he isn’t the sole carrier of the disease he is the more often than not the culprit. Tiny, hard to see, it’s hard to imagine the horrible disease this thing can transmit. I don’t want to scare anyone. I just want you to understand the importance of taking your time outdoors seriously. If you’re going for a picnic in the park, a walk in the woods or a field, pretty much anywhere where animals have been. Like rabbits, rats, mice, deer, etc…dress smart. In the woods, hats are your best bet. Wear pants vs. shorts, socks and sneakers or boots vs. sandals. Treat your clothing, hat, sneakers and gear with a Permenthrin spray (a product I’ve used for many years). I’ve also treated the inside of my car with it. This treatment will last many washes and is frequently used in a lot more bug friendly areas (like South America) successfully.

Lotions and spray bug repellent. There are so many products out there. I’ve had success in using OFF! Deep Woods and Avon Skin So Soft Expedition/Bug Guard Plus. Which also has a sunscreen in it but the jury is still out whether or not using a combination bug spray with a sun screen is a good idea. One should be put on more frequently than the other and if you get a combination and the bug spray has DEET than you absorb it more. Which may not be a good thing. Educate yourself and come to your own opinion. Read instructions. Re-apply and don’t store it in your car rather opt for a cool place. I have a go to bag where I keep Sun Block, Bug Spray, Veggie Crackers, First Aid kit,etc.. So when I head out to enjoy the outdoors I won’t forget these important things.

Planning is everything. If you are going out in the sun and/or know you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Bring water. Stay hydrated. I like to put a bottle of water in the freezer the night before. The next day I get ice cold water even if I’m out for hours. Which is great. It’s so much better to plan the day before because we’re all human and forget things. Set up snacks, lunches, put out hats and clothing, get the sunblock and bug repellent in a bag ready. A helpful tip to remember when to re-apply lotions or sprays is to set an alarm on your phone or watch. Hours can fly by.

Respect everyone else right to enjoy the outdoors as much as your right. Clean up after yourself, leave the area like you found it. Don’t take mementos that are not okay to take. Like flowers, for example. If you go to a park or trail there is no reason for you admire the flowers you come upon but don’t ruin it for everyone by taking them. Avoid bringing glass bottles with you. Why take the risk of it breaking on the beach or elsewhere? Take your butts with you… and don’t smoke in the woods, for obvious reasons. Keep children safe. If your child is not a good swimmer there is no reason they should be next to a body of water without you right by them. If you have a pool or pond, a good investment is an alarm to signal you if something falls in the water. One product is a bracelet for a child to wear with a wireless receiver that goes off if the bracelet gets wet. But again, your eyes should always be on your child.

When it comes to enjoying the outdoors you should always hope for the best, but proper readiness can help ensure you and your families health and safety. We live in a beautiful area and if you can’t enjoy it, then you can’t love it. You should want to love where you live.

About Jordis Brown

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