OPINION: “No child at New Bedford Public Schools should be afraid to be in school!!”

It is a recurring theme we hear often at New Bedford Guide through emails and messages to our Facebook, as well as comments on our page: school officials are feckless when it comes to bullying. They placate the bullied child and his or her parents by saying they will address it, but rarely ever do since officials don’t want to offend anyone.

Meanwhile, the bullying continues and the child continues to suffer, feeling helpless and hopeless that when they reached out to those who could do something, it fell on deaf ears. As this grandmother states “This is how mass school shootings happen and suicide of children happen.”

It’s time for school officials to suspend these bullies and give the parents of the child a stern warning – not a gentle, soft and kind warning – that the child will be kicked out of the school permanently if the behavior persists.


“I would like this opinion posted as anonymous because it involves my minor granddaughter but I feel that the city should know.

On the first day of school this year my granddaughter was bullied by another child who had bullied her in the 6th grade. Her mother went into the school once again and spoke to her guidance counselor, resource officer and a principal at Normandin.

It was stated that the child who was bullying her had no business on her floor because she was in a different grade. The mother was told that her daughter would be safe, and the officer would be on her floor during passing periods. She was also given permission to exit the school by the bus doors. NONE of these things were done.

When my granddaughter tried to exit the bus doors she was told that she’s not a bus student and can’t do that. On September 15th my granddaughter was approached by the bullies during passing period she had to go into another class because she feared for her safety.

On September 16, the mother called the school again. I personally called the superintendent office myself and his secretary was not sympathetic to my situation. She gave me ALL WRONG INFORMATION on who to contact because each person she gave me was no longer working in that area.

Supposedly a woman name ‘Page’ runs a family outreach service to address any and all issues like this but she has not called the mother or myself. I was told to call the family resource person at the school by this secretary and I called 4 times and was disconnected.

I was so upset I went to the school with the mother and my granddaughter and was told that the principal was in a meeting. I said I’m staying until I speak to someone. She came down after her meeting and immediately apologized to my granddaughter explaining she had to leave early but was informed that mom called the school that morning.

I was very upset because this is the woman who said she could be dismissed by the bus doors but it was never in place for my granddaughter to do! I was given the opportunity to say exactly how I felt but was patronized and felt like they were trying to calm me with statements like she’s the same way about her grandkids.

I was not concerned about ANYONE ELSE BUT MY GRANDKIDS. I was reassured that this will not happen again. I feel the school system should have better things in place for parents and children being bullied. This is how mass school shootings happen and suicide of children happen.

Schools are supposed to be a safe place for our children and if they can’t provide safety, they should offer the parents home schooling for free.