OPINION: New Bedford woman’s family sick with COVID, feels school was out of line for reporting it as negligence

“IS THERE A WAY I COULD POST THIS ANONYMOUSLY PLEASE. I WOULD Love to know what people thought I should have done. But people are so mean. Could we not put my name please?

My husband recently caught COVID, the week the kids were to return to school after Christmas break. I contacted all the schools letting them all know that because we tested negative AFTER testing positive that I felt it be necessary to keep my family in closed quarantine for 14 days. I and my 4 children didn’t show signs yet.

A couple of the kids started to show symptoms of simple colds and I thought ‘Well let’s wait a couple of days to make sure it doesn’t turn into COVID.’ Then I got sick. I’m saying to myself, ‘This can’t be good right???’

I contacted the schools and told them what my plan was: I would get the kids tested on day 10. Wait for results and start life again. Or so I thought.

3 of my children’s schools accepted the pediatrician letters excusing them from school because we have a large family and wanted to be considerate. What if we were carrying it right? Only 1 school decided that they wanted my son in school. They didn’t care that my house was sick or that their father was damn near ready for the emergency room.

That school DECIDED TO REPORT ME for school negligence and sent an investigator to my house to check on the well-being of my children. Keep in mind my youngest has a heart defect and we literally are just trying to do what’s best for everyone including ourselves.

Honest opinion without bashing. Because they decided not to accept and report UNEXCUSED absences and not tell them THEY HAD AN ACTUAL DR NOTE.

Would you have rather me:

(A) send my child to school while there is an active COVID case in household; or

(B) keep the children home to be sure they aren’t sick and to save it from spreading?

And what can I do about the nurse going against my children’s doctor’s note?! Isn’t this a form of false accusation and character deformation when I already contacted the schools?!”