OPINION: “Dear Dartmouth School Committee members: ‘I am highly disappointed by your decision to start school with remote learning!'”

“Dear School Committee members,

As a concerned parent, I am highly disappointed by your decision to start school with remote learning. Frankly, you did not use any guidelines or recommendations by the state or Governor Baker.

You certainly did not use science or local statistics/trends to guide your decision. Your decision leads me to believe that the driving force for your vote was the administration’s inability to implement the proposed hybrid plan in a timely fashion. If that is the case, then shame on you. There is no excuse why other local school districts are able to implement such a plan while Dartmouth sits on its hands and buys some time with remote learning.

When 80% of parents surveyed felt comfortable enough to send their children to school in some capacity, you as administrators take that choice away from these parents. You are cheating the students, parents, teachers, and faculty of Dartmouth I strongly suggest you convene at an earlier date and reconsider your vote.

Paul Couto.”