OPINION: One teenage girl’s story about being bullied by four boys and lack of response from teachers

The names of the people within this article have been changed to protect them.

“I am trying to get this out to local media. My kid has been getting bullied and it’s getting out of control and I don’t know what else to do so I am trying to reach out to any media sources. This is her statement that we are filing with the police at the school tomorrow per the anti-bullying law.” -Concerned parent.

Bully Statement from “Tara Green.”

The first day it all happened was on Monday, April 25th. The bully “Jeremy,” was asking questions about my star necklace and what it meant. It is a pentagram. I told him and his response was “So you believe in Satan?”

I responded with “It just means I believe in witchcraft.” When I left school he said “bye Satan.” The next day he had already told his friend “Pedro” and they both started to trip me every time I walked by. In class he would say “Shut up Satan!” or “No one likes you Satan.” whenever I spoke.

The following Monday (May 2nd) he had told all his friends (Paul, Pedro, and Bill) and they started to poke me and trip me. Tuesday (May 3rd) they handed me cards that said Jesus on it and tried to stuff it in my pockets and were tripping me as I was trying to get away from them. That day I had enough so I broke down in class and cried, then I ran out and sat in a corner in the hall way crying until Mrs. Medeiros found me and walked around for a bit trying to calm me down.

On Wednesday (May 4th) he Jeremey called me Satan again and said “Don’t get mad if I crack a girl.” meaning he was saying he was going to hit me. This took place in front of Ms. F. and when I started to stand up for myself she kicked me out of the room. I then waited outside of the door because I was tired of being pushed around every single day and teachers seeing and hearing it and not helping.

I had told my mom the night before and she called Mr. P. that night and left him a message, I had told Mrs. Medeiros, I had tried to see Mrs. D. twice on Tuesday and Ms. F. had witnesses every time it happened from the moment it started on April 25th.

No one was stopping the bullying.

When Jeremy walked out of the classroom I struck him in the head because I didn’t know how else to get the bullying to stop. I then walked away while he struggled against his friends to try and “beat me up”.

When I got home he had messaged me on Facebook at 4:36 pm saying “Bitch Ass Nigga What tf gave u the right mind to hit me then run away like u scared” Laughing emoji and fist emoji.

I told my mom who then told me to block him and she sent him a message saying “Do not message Tara again. There is an anti-bully law. I have already filed a report with the police if you continue to harass her it’ll just look worse for you.”

He responded to her with “Your daughter hit me what part of that is good luckly she ran away i wouldve beaten the living shit outta her.” My mom immediately stopping messaging screen shot both messages and sent them to Mr. P., Mr. F., and Mrs. D. I shouldn’t have been bullied in front of so many adults for over a week and have not one of them make it stop. Instead I am being punished for trying to figure a way out of being bullied by four boys all by myself. Now I also have to worry about going to school on Friday and being jumped by one of these four boys. Because I don’t believe in the same religion as they do?