Spend most of your days in an office? Here’s 10 things you’ll want cleaned right now

Better cleaning measures could result in ‘significantly fewer sick days’

Keyboard & Desktop
Considering how often we use our keyboards, it’s not surprising to learn that the keys and spaces in between are a haven for bacteria and other microbes. In fact, keyboards alone can hold up to 400 times more bacteria than a public toilet. Yikes!

Break Room Appliances
The problem with a communal kitchen is that surfaces are not cleaned routinely. Counter tops might be wiped down daily, but faucets, handles and draw pulls are overlooked. The average refrigerator tests positive 83% of the time for the common cold, so whether it is the microwave or fridge, be sure they are part of a sanitation routine.

Kitchen Sink
Did you know that kitchen sink holds more germs than a bathrooms sink? As one of the most used places in any shared space, it comes as no surprise that the kitchen sink is hoarding a wide variety of germs. Be sure it’s cleaned often.

Even though it’s used often, the office can be overlooked when it comes to routine disinfecting. Be sure to add it to your cleaning crews to do list and stock up on disinfecting wipes that you can stash in your desk drawer just to be safe.

Customers equate the cleanliness of a public restroom with the overall experience of any business. Point is — if you have a dirty bathroom, you may experience a decline in business – or- a poor YELP review.

Elevator Buttons
Love the scene in Elf when Buddy presses all the buttons? Us too – but when you think about how easily this can transfer germs, you may think differently. If your business has access to an elevator be sure to talk to your maintenance department or cleaning crew about getting it cleaned regularly.

High-touch Surfaces (light switches, door knobs, counter tops)
When it comes to cold and flu season, it means one thing — germs! With over 50 million days of work lost annually due to the cold or flu, understanding where these germs are hiding is essential. Disinfecting high-touch areas (such as light switches, door knobs, and all horizontal surfaces) can be crucial to keeping a healthy workplace.

Floors will last longer and appear cleaner through a scheduled maintenance program. Be sure to talk to your cleaning company about Floor Refinishing — it will not only make your floors shine like new, but your customers will take notice.

Dingy carpets in a professional setting can be a sincere deal breaker. Regular carpet cleaning is a good way to extend the life of your carpets, and similar to a hard surface floor, they just look better when free of stains and debris.

Windows and Entry Glass
Fingerprints are a telltale sign of just how often a business is cleaned. Whether you have windows or glass entry areas in your space, it’s worth working them into your routine cleaning to keep them smudge and spot-free.

Clean Right Cleaning Solutions is a local commercial cleaning company from Fairhaven MA. They’re dedicated to servicing all of the Southcoast. Call for a free, no-obligation quote and get ready to enjoy a clean work environment.