New Bedford resident has been waiting years for sidewalk that has led to injuries to be repaired

“This is the condition of the sidewalk on Lindsay Street between Kempton St and Middle St. I have had an order in to get this fixed since March 2019.

I have been a homeowner since 2016 paying taxes on this street. People have fallen and got hurt, numerous tires have been popped on the stone that is hanging down. I have called several times for an update on when they are coming out to resolve this issue and I keep getting told ‘It’s on the list.’

I called city hall years ago and was told nothing they could do, so I was paying the water bill and mentioned it to the clerk and he said I could put in an order to fix it. So that’s what I did and they said ‘It would be done in the spring.'”-‎Heidi LeAnne‎.