New Bedford High Honor Society Presents $1,000 Check to Schwartz Center


Today, May 29, 2013 at the New Bedford High School, seniors in the National Honor Society presented a $1,000 check to the Schwartz Center for Children, funds raised through a teacher talent show they organized. Mary Hodgson, the CEO of the Schwartz Center was there to receive the check and thank the students for their charitable community service.

Mrs. Aja Beach, a French teacher at the high school, won the talent show with an original inspirational rap song that she wrote to students about following your dreams, which was accompanied by a hip hop-infused tap dance.

In her speech at the check presentation today, Mrs. Beach said “I chose the Schwartz Center because I’ve seen amazing results in my friend’s son who gets therapies at the Center. I’ve watched him grow and improve in many ways as a result of those therapies.”

Mrs. Beach had many of her students supporting her at the show with cheers and hand-made signs as well as a student choreographer named Mikayla Lapre who created the dance she performed and a student beat-boxer named Chandrea Grant who performed onstage with her as a background accompaniment to her rap song.

The National Honor Society recognizes students who have the highest GPA’s in the school. They also must do an excellent job displaying the four characteristics deemed to be a necessary part of an Honor Society student. Those are Academic excellence, Service to others, Leadership, and Superior Character.