City of New Bedford closes the “Blessing Box”

“THE BLESSINGS BOX IS NO MORE – Thank you to all who made it possible.

After six months of providing food to anonymous passersby, the New Bedford Board of Health made me close it, ostensibly because they “did not know where the food was coming from,” in reality because one of our neighbors complained.

This really saddens me because, with the exception of this particular neighbor, it made me appreciate the goodness and kindness of so many people, not only of those who kept the shelves stocked but also that of those who took food from it.

Since nobody was supervising the box, they could take whatever they wanted; they could take everything if they chose. But they never did. They took only what they needed, leaving the rest for others. It made me believe in Americans, although it also made me experience first hand how the selfish actions of a single mean individual can cause undue hardship for countless others.

My heartfelt thanks to those who over the last six months nourished our bodies and souls with their donations.”Gloria de Sa.