New Bedford High School to Host Community Resource Fair

New Bedford High School will host a Community Resource Fair on Thursday, November 19 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the NBHS gymnasium, 230 Hathaway Boulevard. Workshops will begin at 6:30 p.m. with academic, college financial aid, NBHS academies and immigration informational workshops available.

The fair is sponsored by GEAR UP and the Immigrants’ Assistance Center, along with New Bedford High.

Resources include educational, employment, health, human services, financial, and arts – among many others.

The College Financing Seminar begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Little Theater; all seniors, juniors and their families seeking information about the college financing and financial aid process, FAFSA, and scholarships are encouraged to attend. A representative from the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) and NBHS guidance counselors will be available to provide information to students and families.

“We encourage all members of the New Bedford High School community to attend the NBHS Community Resource fair to learn more about available services and to get information about topics as important as the college financing process,” said Headmaster Bernadette Coelho.

Included resources:

•3rd Eye youth empowerment Music composition, art, videos, recording studio

•AHA Nights Free arts and culture nights

•Attorney General Consumer protection, wage laws, insurance

•Brick By Brick After school music and art for the youth

•Bristol Community College Higher Education

•Bristol County District Attorney Bullying, suicide, elder, substance abuse prevention

•Carabiners Climbing, and fitness

•Center Stage Studio Dance School, Ballet, Lyrica, tap, pointe

•City of N.B Dept. of Community Svcs City of New Bedford Human Services

•Coalition for Social Justice Voter Education/ registration, volunteer opportunities

•Comcast-Internet Essentials Low cost broadband for low income families of students

•Community Economic Dev Ctr Immigrant support, tax assistance, bus riders united, etc.

•DEAF Inc. Advocacy, skill training, I&R and peer counseling, ASL Ed, etc.

•Dental Dreams Dental Health

•EF Educational Tours International Student Tours

•Family Welcome Center-N.B.P.S Parent Support, referrals, centralized registrations

•Gear-Up Educational, College and Career readiness

•Gifts to Give Volunteering, clothing and shoes for low income families

•Greater New Bedford Career Center Career, employment, education, training, resume assistance, etc.

•H.O.P.E Collaborative Law Enforcement Youth Programs

•Hetland Arena Sports/Hockey

•Immigrants Assistance Center Immigration, referrals, elderly services, medical insurance etc.

•Kennedy Donovan Center Support for young first time parents under 20 years old

•MA College of Art and Design Higher Education

•MA State Police-Media Relations Law Enforcement

•Marines Military Services

•N.B Wellness Inactive Adult/Youth wellness

•N.B.H.S. Nursing Staff In School medical treatment , referrals and community liaisons

•New Bedford Public library Material loans, computers, programs for the whole family

•New Bedford Housing Authority Low Income Housing

•New Bedford Whaling Historical Park Guided Tours, free programs, story hours, concerts, etc.

•New Bedford Police Dept SRO Jr. Police Academy

•New York Life Financial Services, college planning, retirement planning, life insurance etc.

•Operation Clean sweep Anti-litter, neighborhood clean up

•PACE/Youth Build New Bedford Education, skill development, leadership

•Pace/Food Pantry Food pantry for low income families and referrals

•Parks Recreation &beaches After school Programs, sports and fitness classes for the whole family

•Shinning Lights Educational Programs

•South Coast Fair Housing Work to Eliminate Housing discrimination and increase equal housing

•Stepping Stones Substance Abuse treatment, Medical Case management, etc.

•Spherion Job placement services

•UMD Leduc Center For Civic eng Collaboration of non-profits that provides volunteer opportunities

•United Way MASS 2-1-1, family wize, volunteer South Coast

•United Way/Family Resource Center Referrals, parenting education, navigating schools support, parent support groups, etc.

•W.I.C Nutrition, consultations, free healthy foods, referrals

•Wellness Center G.N.B.C.H.C Wellness connection, healthy weight program, nutrition, smoking cessation

•Women’s Health G.N.B.C.H.C Women’s health, pregnancy test, family planning, birth control, teen confidential

•YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts Residential home for low income women, girls exclusive teen and preteen programming etc.

•Youth Annex MCAS Academy, job search.

•YMCA Swimming lessons, youth basketball league, wellness class, youth development etc.

programing etc.