Mattapoisett Police Department’s annual reminder asking people to use their common sense this time of year

These days headlines and news stories rarely shock us, and 2020 has been a year where we certainly are thinking “I’ve seen it all!”

However, some people consider not using common sense as a sort of challenge to prove how little they have. We see their examples all day long: texting while driving, plowing through red lights and stop signs, propounding theories on how the earth is really flat, arguing on the internet as if people will change their minds, etc. It can be mind-boggling at times.

Every year Mattapoisett Police remind people about something you would think would be obvious to everyone: clearing off your windshields and the top of your car so you don’t injure or kill yourself or someone else. Why do you think people do something that could risk their well-being or someone else’s? Half asleep or distracted with their phones when getting in the car? Couldn’t care less?


“It’s that time of year again!

Please remember to take a few minutes to clear the snow and ice from ALL windows of your vehicle to avoid any accidents.”-Mattapoisett Police Department.

Mattapoisett Police Department photo.