Massachusetts State Police Air Wing helps battle Northborough wildfire

“Massachusetts State Police Air Wing 5 supported fire fighting operations of a wildfire in Northborough.

Air Wing 5 was flown from the Plymouth Airbase by pilot Trooper Steve Donaghey and TFO Trooper Jason Mckinlay. Here they are seen picking water from “the pumpkin” and dropping specific spots designated by firefighters on the ground. Numerous drops like this were conducted by our members on board through the evening hours until sunset.

Our Air Wing operates 24/7, 365 days a year. It is an unrivaled resource that is available to not only our Troopers, but our local law enforcement counterparts as well.

We’d like to remind our local law enforcement partners that assistance like this is just one call away!”-State Police Association of Massachusetts.

tate Police Association of Massachusetts photo.

tate Police Association of Massachusetts photo.

tate Police Association of Massachusetts photo.