“Just Write Paul” Campaign in New Bedford

just write paul new bedfordSeveral residents in the south end of New Bedford have started a “Just Write Paul” campaign to help the less fortunate collect recyclables. From Johnny Ray:

“Just wanted you to know we are starting a campaign in the south end among friends and neighbors called, “JUST WRITE PAUL” so that guys like Paul can maintain there income from collecting recyclables. All of our old bins will be used exclusively for bottles and cans and set aside in our yards just for him. Hopefully it will catch on throughout the city so that genuinely hard working guys like Paul (that are usually either homeless, retired, or veterans) don’t get severely impacted by the new trash collection system. They are finding it difficult to gain access in the new bins because they are deep and covered so everything is getting buried underneath other items. Anyone that wants to sign up for the campaign will receive a free “FOR PAUL” adhesive sign for there old bins. This should also address the concerns over not having enough room every week for all of our recyclable waste products in the new barrels being provided.”