Fort Phoenix Polar Plunge in Fairhaven postponed to later date TBD

From the organizers:

“Due to the forecast of extreme frigid temperatures and the utmost concern for our volunteers (registration crew,DJ, EMT’s/fire department/police) and, most of all for our courageous participants, the committee has decided to post-pone the 2018 Ft. Phoenix Polar Plunge scheduled for New Year’s day to a later, warmer date.

Our event is free but we raise funds for our FDS Scholarships by the sale of event t-shirts. We will still be at Days Health & Sports on Saturday, Dec 30th from 2-4 p.m. – selling event shirts and accepting donations to benefit: Fairhaven Dollars for Scholars Scholarships in memory of Fairhaven’s domestic violence victims. Or, you can mail a check made out to: FDS Polar Plunge Scholarship, c/o 100 Cedar Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719.

Please check this site for the rescheduled date to be posted after confirmation with Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Our apologies for the delay in making the decision, we were hoping that maybe the forecast would change!”