Five drug overdoses in New Bedford in less than 24 hours

According to the New Bedford Police Department, there were five drug overdoses in New Bedford in less than a 24-hour period on Monday and Tuesday. Historically, New Bedford averages 1-2 non-fatal overdoses a day. No reasons were given for the spike in overdoses, but fentanyl is responsible for 93% of all overdose deaths in Massachusetts.

The overdoses were as follows:

November 5th:

6:22 am, 37-year old man on Myrtle Street
12:49 pm, 45-year old man on Willard Street
4:01 pm, 50-year old man on North Front Street
10:10 pm, 59-year old man at Blue Meadows New Bedford Housing

November 6th:
5:35 am, 46-year old man on Earle Street

New Bedford police logs reported a possible 6th drug overdose that resulted in a fatality, but the New Bedford Police Department stated that it was not a drug overdose and the Bristol County District Attorney’s office has no report of a drug overdose death.