Exposing New Bedford’s Parking Meters!

Michael Silvia
by Michael Silvia

Several times a week, usually on a Saturday or on weekdays around 5 P.M., I stop visitors in downtown New Bedford from putting their quarters into the city’s parking meters.  For reasons unknown, the labels on the meters provide outdated information.  I’ve lived downtown for several years now, and during that time I’ve accumulated some information that can save a lot of money, which I will now share with you.  In this economy, every quarter counts!

Here is a look at a standard parking meter in downtown New Bedford:

New Bedford, MA parking meter
Typical New Bedford, MA parking meter.

It clearly states that the hours of operations are Monday through Saturday, 9 A.M. through 6 P.M.   This is incorrect!  The correct operating time is Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Furthermore, you can park for FREE on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.  The meter maids don’t work after 5 P.M. on the weekdays, and are off-duty on the weekends and on holidays.  I can only guess this is due to budget cuts.

Other Tips for Parking in Downtown New Bedford

  • If you frequently park downtown, get a pass at the Elm Street Parking Garage, located right next to the Standard Times building.  You can get unlimited parking for $30 a month.  The Garage is FREE on weekends, holidays and when there are major events downtown.
  • For long-term parking, use the Custom House Square (70 parking spaces) or Zeiterion (298 parking spaces) at 688 Purchase Street.  The Custom House Square parking area is FREE on the weekends, holidays and when there are major events downtown.