Dartmouth Police Department Scambag Alert: elderly resident scammed out of thousands of dollars


Recently, we took a report from an elderly resident who was scammed out of several thousand dollars.

The way the scam worked, was that the resident received a call from a male dirtbag identifying himself as his grandson. During this call, the dirtbag told the resident that he had been arrested after being involved in a car crash, and needed several thousand dollars in order to get bailed out of jail, and to pay for damages associated with the crash.

This is where the story gets a little more concerning, because after withdrawing the money from the bank, a dirtbag (most likely not the person who the resident received the call from, and who was also likely from another state), actually came to the residents home in Dartmouth to pick the money up.

If you, or anyone that you know, receives a call like this, please hang up immediately, and notify your local police department.

Though Dartmouth detectives are currently working on the previously referenced incident, these cases are extremely difficult to resolve, and, sadly, the success rate on getting the money back is very low.”-Dartmouth Police Department.