Dartmouth National Resources Trust is asking community to pick up after their dogs on the trails

“If you’re walking through Destruction Brook Woods – DNRT, you might notice a few of these “poop flags” left in places where dog owners did not pick up after their animal. We’re temporarily putting out these flags to bring awareness to the incredible amount of poop left in our Reserve.

Reasons to pick up the poop:

1.) Dog poop contains harmful bacteria that can make both humans and other dogs sick.

2.) Said bacteria can close down nearby shellfishing spots.

3.) Dog poop contains nitrogen, which can be harmful to Buzzards Bay.

4.) Those biodegradable poop bags don’t actually biodegrade unless they are brought to a high heat composting facility.

5.) It’s gross. You don’t want to step in it; we don’t want to step in it.

Pick it up!”