New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce Deals

New Bedford Guide reaches 500,000 – 1 million people each week and includes Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River and Tri-Town guides. We’d like to offer New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce members a few special one-time, discounted offers exclusively for Chamber members:

Spotlight Article Service

New Bedford Guide’s spotlight article service is a great way to promote your company on the internet. Your business will be featured on the front page of and then promoted through our powerful social media network to include Facebook and Twitter. Our spotlight articles are guaranteed to reach over 30,000 people in the first week and be found in the search engines like Google for years to come. Our $350 spotlight article service is offered to New Bedford Area Chamber members for $200 on a first come, first serve basis. Examples can be seen here

Spotlight Video Service

New Bedford Guide’s video service provides the biggest impact for businesses. New Bedford Guide will film, edit, publish and market a spotlight video of your company for $500 ($600 regular price.) Additionally, at no extra charge, we will market the video to our other Guides dedicated to Fairhaven, Dartmouth, Fall River and the Tri-Town area. Examples can be seen here.

Spotlight Live Stream Service

Live stream video is the hottest trend on social media and no one does it better than New Bedford Guide. Depending on the topic, our live streams reach between 10,000 – 300,000+ people within the first hour of going live. Chamber of Commerce members get our $250 service for $150.