At-Large City Council Candidate: Ian Abreu

Editor’s Note: doesn’t endorse candidates. We allow all candidates to submit one article telling us why you should vote for them in the New Bedford elections scheduled for November 5th, 2013. This is Ian Abreu’s submission. Other candidates can send their article to Info on the candidates and other New Bedford election information:



Dear New Bedford resident and friend,

My name is Ian Abreu, and I am a candidate for Councillor At-Large here in the city of New Bedford. I am a lifelong resident of this beautiful city.

I am a proud, lifelong resident of the south end of New Bedford, where I was raised by mother, Attorney Kellie Martin. I am a direct product of the New Bedford Public School System, having graduated from New Bedford High School in 2004. After graduating from New Bedford High School, I went on to attend Bridgewater State University where I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication Studies. Some of you may know me from the many community service initiatives I’ve taken part in throughout most of my adult-life, having recently served as an Executive Officer (treasurer) for the 98th Annual Feast of the Blessed Sacrament in New Bedford. I am also a very active member of the Prince Henry Society’s New Bedford Chapter, an organization which awarded $35,000 in local scholarships last year alone. I also currently serve on the Board of Directors for The Samaritans of New Bedford-Fall River.

My wife Samantha and I are proud homeowners here in New Bedford, living in the south end of the city.

I am currently an Employer Specialist with the New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce. I oversee all Chamber-related workforce development and educational initiatives throughout the Greater New Bedford community. I also serve as the Chamber’s Membership Relations Director, having most recently facilitated a very successful Membership Campaign in which the organization brought in over 100 new members. Prior to my current post at the Chamber, I had the privilege of serving as a Re-entry Case Manager for Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson for over two years.

I feel that with my background in constituent/community service, economic development, job and work readiness and education, I am uniquely positioned to tackle very critical issues which are facing our city today.

Anyone who knows me knows that I truly love this city. I am raising my family here and I am proud to call New Bedford my home. For me, running for Councillor At-Large is personal and I will treat every day on this council as both a privilege and honor. Making sure New Bedford is a good place to live in, raise a family in, be educated in and do business in will always be my top priorities while on the council.

We deserve better.

My name is Ian Abreu, Candidate for Councillor At-Large, and I am humbly asking for 1 of your 5 votes on Tuesday, November 5th.

Thank you, and God Bless.


Ian Abreu

Candidate For Ward 5 City Council: Kerry Winterson


Hello, my name is Kerry Winterson. I am a Ward 5 City Council Candidate. I have been a lifelong resident of Ward 5. I have been employed for 29 years as a Heavy Equipment Bridge Operator at the New Bedford Bridge. I have been a Chief Steward for Bridges throughout the state of Massachusetts for many years as a negotiator, arbitrator and mainly as a liaison between unions and management. I will bring these attributes to the City Council as a Councilor.

Our City needs essential services such as good schools, safety, fire, police, emergency personnel and taxpayer services. To solve our city’s problems, we must have people who will communicate in a civil way and agree to compromise to move the city forward.

When dealing with issues as a City Councilor, I will apply the following strategy in regards to my decision making: Problem; Key Facts; Alternative Strategies; Best Strategy; Feasibility. The best strategy must be feasible in order to be implemented. If it’s not the right decision then we need to go back and look at alternative strategies until we find a result that works.

What I feel the city needs at this point is civility, transparency and accountability. This position is a legislative one as well as a constituent position. Every taxpayer of New Bedford should be represented and I am the person who will do so in a dutiful and considerate manner. I am truly a New Bedford Advocate so vote for me, Kerry Winterson, November 5th.

Editor’s note: New Bedford Guide does NOT endorse candidates. Instead we believe in equal access and allow each candidate to submit a talking point article on why they should be elected to office. Candidates should submit their articles to with a photo. 

Op-Ed: District Attorney Sutter addresses his decision not to run for Massachusetts Attorney General

Sutter addresses his decision to run for re-election

It is amazing to me that one month after Martha Coakley announced she was going to run for Governor, and not for a third term as Attorney General, no one has officially entered the race to become the next Attorney General of the Commonwealth—no district attorney, state legislator, mayor, or practicing lawyer. The Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer in Massachusetts and has responsibilities that extend from public safety to health care regulation, economic development and environmental protection. To fulfill these responsibilities, the Attorney General oversees a staff of 515 employees with offices in four different locations across the Commonwealth. I have said many times that, as much as I love the opportunity to serve as District Attorney of the county where I live, I hope to someday have the chance to serve the public in another elected position, so that I can make a contribution in other areas in addition to public safety. The position of Attorney General would give me just that opportunity. But I have decided to pass on this opportunity. I will not run for Attorney General next year. I will run for re-election as District Attorney. The reason is timing.

The more I thought about this decision over the past thirty days, the clearer it was to me that this is not the right time for me to be leaving the District Attorney’s Office. To begin with, we have just started the most highly publicized case since I started as District Attorney, a case that will likely define my administration. I have overseen the investigation from day one and intend to be part of the trial team, along with Bill McCauley and Pat Bomberg. Clearly I should not be leaving this responsibility at the outset of the case. In addition, there are other new initiatives at the District Attorney’s Office that I fervently believe in and want to see through to fruition. These initiatives have the potential to make major advances in critical areas such as gun violence, domestic violence and child abuse prevention and may eventually become state-wide models.

It is also not the right time for my family for me to make a state-wide run. Running for Attorney General would necessitate campaigning most nights after work and every weekend for the next year. And the distances I would have to travel are much greater than those involved in my races for District Attorney or Congress. From my home in Fall River to Pittsfield, for example, is five and a half hours round-trip; to Springfield, back and forth it is four hours; to Gloucester almost four hours. I have given a lot of thought over the last month to what my family needs from me right now and I have concluded firmly that I could not meet those needs while conducting a yearlong state-wide campaign.

So I will pass on this opportunity to run for another elective office. I do so with the hope that when I believe my work as District Attorney is complete, there will be another opportunity for public service on the horizon. In the meantime, I look forward to the great challenges ahead at the District Attorney’s Office and to earning your support in my campaign for re-election next year.

2013 New Bedford Debates Scheduled for October 29th and 30th



There will be two debates scheduled hosted by WBSM at the New Bedford Whaling Museum on October 29th and 30th. The debates are for the Municipal Election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th, 2013. The public is invited to attend the debates.

Tuesday, October 29:
New Bedford School Committee Candidates, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Cook Memorial Theater.

Wednesday, October 30:
New Bedford City Council for At-Large Candidates, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Cook Memorial Theater.

Deadline to Register to Vote in New Bedford Municipal Election Approaches


The New Bedford Board of Election Commissioners has announced that Wednesday, October 16, 2013 is the deadline to register to vote in the November 5th Municipal Election as well as to notify the Board of Elections of any change in voter name or address.

The City of New Bedford Election Office, located in City Hall at 133 William Street, Room 114, will remain open on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 until 8:00 p.m. in order to allow the public more time to complete the voter registration process and make necessary updates to their name or address.

On November 5th, New Bedford voters may cast their vote for Mayor, Assessor, School Committee Member (unexpired term for a 2-year term), 3 School Committee Members for a 4-year term, 5 Councilors-At-Large and Ward 1-6 Councilors.

Any voter who is unable to get to the polls on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot during regular Election Office hours (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) or may request to have an absentee ballot application mailed to their home address. The New Bedford Election Office will open on Saturday, November 2, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon to give voters additional time to cast an absentee ballot.

Any New Bedford resident whose address has changed since the last election, would like to request an absentee ballot, or is uncertain about their voting status or designated polling location, should contact the New Bedford Board of Election Commissioners at (508) 979-1420.

2013 New Bedford Preliminary Results

New Bedford Elections 2013

(I) = Incumbent

New Bedford MA Mayoral Elections

Confirmed Candidates

  • Jon Mitchell (I) – unopposed.

New Bedford City Council At Large Election

At-Large Councilors are elected by popular vote and represent all of New Bedford.  The top 10 move on to the final Municipal Election on November 5ht, 2013. The top five finishers are elected to an At-large City Councilors position.

Move on to the final Municipal Elections:

  • Linda Morad – 3,675
  • Brian K. Gomes (I) – 2,721
  • Debora Coelho (I) – 2,162
  • David Alves (I) – 2,032
  • Naomi Carney – 1,886
  • John T. Saunders (I) – 1,762
  • Ian Abreu – 1,591
  • Elizabeth S. Watkins – 1,057
  • Pete Wilde – 1,005
  • Leo Choquette – 957


  • Ralf Rho – 956
  • Charlton Dade – 866
  • Carlos P. Felix – 505

*Denis Lawrence, Jr. (I) did not seek re-election.

New Bedford Ward City Council Elections

Ward Councilors are elected by the people of specific wards.  New Bedford has six distinct wards.

Ward 1

  • James D. Oliveira (I) – unopposed.

Ward 2

  • Steve Martins (I) – unopposed.

Ward 3

  • Henry G. Bousquet (I) – unopposed.

Ward 4 – Both move on to the final Municipal Elections. 

  • Bruce Duarte Jr. (I)
  • Dana Rebeiro

Ward 5

Move on to the final Municipal Elections:

  • Jan Baptist – 398
  • Kerry M. Winterson – 373


  • Nelson Macedo – 303
  • John J. Fletcher – 228
  • Craig Dixon – 191
  • John G. Radcliffe -157
  • Nancy Feeney – 141

* Jane Gonsalves (I) – is NOT seeking re-election. Details here.

Ward 6 – Both move on to the final Municipal Elections. 

  • Joseph P. Lopes (I)
  • Ian Saunders

New Bedford School Committee Election

  • Bruce J. Oliveira (I) – unopposed.

Preliminary Elections

Move on to the final Municipal Elections:

  • Lawrence J. Finnerty (I) – 2,682
  • Joaquim Nobrega (I) – 2,486
  • Joshua Amaral – 2,183
  • Christopher A. Cotter – 1,856
  • Maria Mojica-Mosquea – 1,750
  • Brian M. Pastori – 1,569


  • Michael Jansen – 938

New Bedford Assessor Election

  • Peter Berthiaume – Running unopposed.

Have information regarding a candidate? e-mail use at

Campaign Finance Seminar in New Bedford


The City of New Bedford Election Commission has scheduled a seminar on Campaign and Political Finance for Monday, August 12 at the Judge Rosalind Poll Brooker Public Meeting Room, 133 William Street, New Bedford , 3th floor, Room 314, starting at 6:30 P.M.

The seminar is an opportunity for elected officials, candidates, campaign managers, treasurers or anyone interested in politics to learn about the requirements of campaign finance disclosure and ask any questions they might have about record keeping and completing mandated reports.

Jason Tait, Director of Public Information for the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF), will review the rules and regulations of Campaign Finance as required by M.G.L. c 55. This program is designed for all candidates running in local elections and will focus on a number of topics.

Candidates and their staffs will learn how to complete required reports including: Summary Activity, Schedule A (receipts), Schedule B (expenditures), Schedule C (in-kind contributions), and Schedule D (liabilities). OCPF staff will answer questions concerning campaign finance, filing requirements, and other guidelines. Subjects covered will include: the role public employees may play in a campaigns, how ballot question committees operate under campaign finance law, and prohibitions against the use of public resources to support or oppose candidates or ballot questions.

The seminar is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Election Commission at 508-979-1420.

City Councillor Jane Gonsalves Will Not Seek Re-election

Jane-GonsalvesWard Five City Councillor Jane Gonsalves will not seek re-election after holding the position for close to 20 years. Councillor Gonsalves said it was a difficult decision but the right one for her and for her Ward.

“I love New Bedford, I love Ward Five and I love the job, but commuting to Boston for my full-time job, coupled with the ever increasing demands of being a City Councillor, simply makes it difficult to be highly efficient in both places at the same time,” said Gonsalves.

Gonsalves believes her outstanding service to her constituents is why she is the longest serving Ward Councillor in the City’s history. She said she believes that the Ward Five residents are some of the most politically active in the City and they pay close attention to local issues.

“Ward Five residents care about their community and their neighborhoods; they are very engaged in the government process and I could not have asked for a greater honor than serving them for so many years,” Gonsalves said.

Gonsalves was first elected in 1993 and has been challenged in every election since. She is one of very few females to ever serve as City Council President, and the only woman to serve as President twice. Ward Five voters have always returned her to the seat in spite of some well-known and well-financed opponents.

Gonsalves has been a powerful voice on the City Council over the years, especially when it comes to protecting the rights of women and fighting for historic preservation. Gonsalves is also very proud of her work as Finance Committee Chair, always taking a balanced fiscal approach to provide the best services to residents while holding the line on taxes.

“As a City Councillor, digging down deep into the budget and finances is work not always rewarded; but it is work that must be done week in and week out.”

I am very proud that I took on the tough work and not just the work that got great headlines,” she stated.

Gonsalves looks forward to spending more time with her family and friends but will always remain active in the political and government process.

“I feel very fortunate and I am thankful for this experience; to have been involved with so many important issues; to meet so many great people; to have so many loyal supporters; and to have made lifelong friends.”

New Bedford City Council Agenda – 27 June, 2013



1. CITATIONS, Councillors Martins and Lopes, honoring ADAM FINN, CHRISTIAN MCLEOD AND NATHAN ANDRADE, in recognition of their participation in the Saturday Academy Program and their emcee duties at the graduation ceremony.

2. RESOLUTION, Council President Duarte, honoring, PAUL D. FAY, on the occasion of his retirement as Principal of the John D. Parker Elementary School.

3. RESOLUTION, Councillor Martins, honoring EUGENE F. SLADEWSKI, on the occasion of his retirement as Principal of the Abraham Lincoln Elementary School.

M1. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting a HOME RULE PETITION, relating to the Harbormaster in the City of New Bedford, the proposed Act authorizes the Mayor with the approval of the City Council to appoint a Harbormaster, who may, but need not, be a resident or registered voter of the City for a term of not more than five years, the Act also authorizes the Mayor with the approval of the City Council to reappoint an existing Harbormaster for a term of not more than five years.

M2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Lease on behalf of the City, the proposed Lease between the City of New Bedford through its Airport Commission (NBAC) and Claremont Aviation, LLC for the purpose of construction and operating an aircraft storage and maintenance hangar for an initial term of twenty years (renewal option) this lease will expire August 01, 2033.

M3. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDINANCE, amending Chapter 9, Section 1200 to insert of definition for “alternative motor vehicle fuels” and a revised Appendix A Table of Principal Use Regulations to insert “alternative motor vehicle fuels” in D. Industrial #10.

M4. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Recreation and Parks Department known as the SUPPORTIVE RECREATION REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to cover program instructors and supplies for programs, whose revenue and amount limited to be spent for FY14 is restricted to revenue deposited into the fund, is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M5. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Department of Public Infrastructure known as the NEW BEDFORD ENERGY NOW REVOLVING FUND whose purpose is to fund incidental costs of the NBEN Program as well as program development, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent for FY14 is restricted to revenue deposited into the fund, is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M6. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Purchasing Department known as the PURCHASING REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to provide office supplies, photocopy supplies, copier leases, etc., for City Departments, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $225,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M7. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Inspectional Services Department known as the VACANT BUILDING REVOLVING FUND whose purpose is to provide salary expense for one full-time Building Inspector and two part-time clerks, office supplies, survey expenses, tipping fees, purchase materials and reimburse labor costs for emergency board-up of vacant buildings and monitor vacant buildings, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $200,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M8. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Department of Facilities and Fleet Management, known as QUEST CENTER REVOLVING FUND whose purpose is to provide a focus on entrepreneurial training and location for business start-up activities focusing on marine/maritime technologies, life sciences and software development is hereby authorized at $103,000.00 for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M9. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Community Services Department, known as SENIOR TRAVEL AGENCY REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to support day trips for seniors, including reservations/tickets/meals, Recreation Leader’s salary, clerical support and program supplies, whose revenues collected and amount limited to be spent estimated at $120,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M10. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Community Services Department, known as SENIOR TRANSPORTATION FUND, whose purpose is to provide transportation for seniors to grocery and other shopping, general trips and medical appointments, whose revenues collected and amount limited to be spent estimated at $14,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M11. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Community Services Department, known as SENIOR ACTIVITIES FUND, whose purpose is to support social activities and entertainment at all Senior Centers, etc., whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $6,200.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M12. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Department of Public Infrastructure, known as NEW BEDFORD RAILYARD AND RAIL CROSSING REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is maintenance and operation of the New Bedford Railyard and Rail Crossing Gates, whose revenue and amount limited to be spent are estimated at $94,152.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M13. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Purchasing Department known as the SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL POLICE REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to support police communications networking for surrounding cities and towns, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $30,500.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M14. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Planning and Community Development Department known as the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to provide supplies, postage and advertising costs, contract for technical and administrative support for ZBA and stipends for ZBA members, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $20,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M15. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Library Department, known as LIBRARY EQUIPMENT REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to provide and maintain photocopying and printing equipment at the Main Library and the four branches, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent are estimated at $9,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M16. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the School Department, known as the FOOD SERVICE CONCESSION, whose purpose is to provide concession services during football games at the Paul Walsh field, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $5,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M17. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Clerk of Committees Department, known as the COUNCIL SPECIAL PERMIT REVOLVING FUND, whose purpose is to cover the cost associated with processing/reviewing and granting applications for Special Permit hearings, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent estimated at $5,000.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M18. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the revolving fund under the control of the Health Department, known as FINES/FORFEITURES REVOLVING FUND – HEALTH, whose purpose is for the collection of health-related fines originally paid to the State but now paid to the City due to the establishment of this fund, whose revenues and amount limited to be spent are estimated at $700.00 is hereby authorized for FISCAL YEAR 2014.

M19. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $216,400.00 from PUBLIC FACILITIES, CAPITAL OUTLAY, to PUBLIC FACILITIES, OTHER CHARGES.

M20. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $130,000.00 from ZOO, SUPPLIES & MATERIALS, to ZOO, OTHER CHARGES.

M21. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $34,000.00 from ZOO, CHARGES & SERVICES, to ZOO, OTHER CHARGES.

M22. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $33,000.00 from FIRE, SALARIES & WAGES, to FIRE, OTHER CHARGES.

M23. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $3,000.00 from RECREATION/PARKS, SALARIES & WAGES, to RECREATION/PARKS, SUPPLIES &


M24. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $1,750.00 from MAYOR, SALARIES & WAGES, to MAYOR, CHARGES & SERVICES.

M25. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $1,100.00 from CITY COUNCIL, CHARGES & SERVICES, to CITY CLERK, SALARIES & WAGES.

M26. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of DAVID DETERRA, New Bedford, MA 02740, as a SHELLFISH CONSTABLE; this term will expire in June 2016.

M27. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JOSEPH EUGENIO, New Bedford, MA 02744, to the TRAFFIC COMMISSION; this term will expire December 2014.

M28. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JANICE BAPTIST, New Bedford, MA 02740, to the HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION; this term will expire
April 2016.

M29. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JAMES SYLVIA, New Bedford, MA 02745, to the COUNCIL ON AGING; this term will expire November 2015.

M30. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the APPOINTMENT of ELAINE SAFIOLEAS, New Bedford, MA, to the PARK COMMISSION, replacing Randy Debrosse, whose has resigned; this term will expire May 2014.


CR1. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $100,000.00 from FIRE, SALARIES & WAGES, to FIRE, OTHER CHARGES. (Charter Ruled – June 13, 2013.)


4. LOAN ORDER, that the City appropriate $2,400,000.00 to pay costs of furnishing and installing all materials, equipment, software and appurtenances to make the new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system fully operational. (Passed to a Second Reading – June 13, 2013.)

5. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Alves, requesting, on behalf of residents, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: LAFAYETTE STREET, from Wood Street to Brooklawn Avenue, ON SATURDAY, JULY 06, 2013, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. for the purpose of A BLOCK PARTY.

6. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Bousquet, requesting, on behalf of the Howland National Guard Veterans Chapter, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: MT. PLEASANT STREET, from Sawyer Street to Buchanan Street, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013, FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M., for the purpose of A Memorial Service at Howland Square.

7. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Martins, requesting, on behalf of Ms. Crystal Nadeau, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: ERIC’S WAY, from Nash Road to Tinkham Street, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013, FROM 12:00 P.M. (NOON) TO 5:00 P.M., for the purpose of A Block Party.

8. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, on behalf of Ms. Mary Ann Rogers, President, Cape Verdean Recognition Committee, Inc., that the following street(s) be CLOSED: WILLIAM STREET, from
Pleasant Street to North Sixth Street, ON MONDAY, JULY 01, 2013, FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M., for the purpose of the Cape Verdean Flag Raising on City Hall Steps.

9. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, on behalf of AHA!, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: MARKET STREET, between Pleasant Street and North Sixth Street; PURCHASE STREET, between
Union Street and Spring Street and NORTH SECOND STREET, between Barker’s Lane and William Street, ON THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2013, FROM 5:00 A. M. THROUGH 9:00 P.M., for the purpose of: AHA! NIGHT/KIDS RULE.

10. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Coelho and Bousquet, requesting, that MassDOT Highway Division immediately address the condition of the Exit 15 sign on I-195 east bound, (Route 18 South/Downtown New Bedford), due to its disrepair, said signage needs to be removed and repaired due to the poor image that it brings to the people who are visiting the City of New Bedford; and further, requesting that the Highway Division include clean up and repairs to the off ramp due to the area being filled with litter and debris.

11. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure take immediate action and seal crack and re-paint the parking space lines on all three parking lots at East Beach on Rodney French Boulevard, this action will preserve these lots for an additional ten years and prevent any further deterioration.

12. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Bousquet, requesting, that a letter be sent to our State Legislative Delegation urging them to vote NO on “Massachusetts Bill to Impose 45% Tax on E-cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco”, House Bill 2593, which would allow the law to include vapor cigarettes, these electronic cigarettes are used to aid in kicking the cigarette smoking habit, taxing the electronic cigarette will not encourage a change in behavior, but rather double tax an item already subject to general merchandise sales tax. (To be Referred to our State Legislative Delegation and that Rule 40 be Waived.)
13. COMMUNICATION, Acting City Planner Jill Maclean, to City Council, providing a copy of the grant application for the Hurricane Barrier, which was requested by Councillors Martins, Saunders, Gomes and Alves at the City Council Meeting of April 11, 2013. (Copy all Councillor 06/24/2013.)

06/13/2013 COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JOHN RADCLIFFE, New Bedford, MA 02740, to the CONSERVATION COMMISSION, this term will expire June 2016.

New Bedford City Council Agenda – May 9th, 2013


THURSDAY, MAY 09, 2013

1. CITATIONS, Councillor Martins, honoring ALEX CORREIA, TREG DEMBITZKI, GUSTIN FROIAS, NATHAN MORGADO, BRYAN PASQUARELLO and JORDAN VASCONCELLOS, Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, in Recognition of their First Place Finish at the Underwater Robotics Competition at the Marine Advanced Technology Education Remotely Operated Vehicle Competition.
2. CITATIONS, Councillor Martins, honoring ANGELA BASSE, THOMAS CANASTRA, ANTHONY CABRAL, NELSON BERNARDO and TRENT CARTER, for their Dedication and Commitment to the Students of the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School and their First Place Finish at the Underwater Robotics Competition at the Marine Advanced Technology Education Remotely Operated Vehicle Competition.
3. CITATIONS, Councillor Bousquet, honoring the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School winners of the 2013 MASSACHUSETTS SKILLS USA COMPETITION.
4. CITATIONS, Council President Duarte and Councillor Alves, honoring SUZANNE RICHARD,
JOSEPH LANGLOIS, DANA DEBARROS, PAUL SANTOS and TOM SEXTON, New Bedford Cable Network, in Recognition of their 15th Annual Alliance for Community Media Regional Video Festival Awards.

5. RESOLUTION, Councillor Gonsalves, honoring NEW BEDFORD CABLE NETWORK for winning a national award from the Alliance for Community Media for their daily educational program “HOMEWORK HELPERS”.
6. RESOLUTION, Council President Duarte, honoring TEAM BUILDERS, INC. / THE HOUSE OF MUSIC on the occasion of their 10TH ANNIVERSARY.

M1. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting a LOAN ORDER that in order to reduce interest costs, the Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to issue refunding bonds pursuant to M.G.L. c44, §21A to refund all or any portion of the remaining principal of and redemption premium and interest on any bonds of the City outstanding as the date of adoption of this Order, and for the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and that the Mayor and the Treasurer are each authorized to take any and all other action necessary to carry out the purposes of this Order.


M2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting a LOAN ORDER appropriating $1,000,000.00 to pay for the costs of the required environmental remediation and the construction of a solar park in the area known as HS-8 at New Bedford High School, which is the grassed northern portion of the campus between the northeast and northwest parking lots, the proposed project at HS-8 is an innovation solution that allows the City to achieve remedial goals and to promote sustainable energy, the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) has indicated to the City that it will consider reimbursement for 90% of the total project costs, consistent with the previous project agreements.

M3. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER authorizing the Mayor to execute a utility easement to NSTAR ELECTRIC on behalf of the City relative to property under the control of the New Bedford Airport Commission on Mt. Pleasant Street, the property is shown on Assessor’s Map at Plat 123/Lot38D and is intended to service two new generators to be constructed for the sub-tenant Comcast.
M4. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $820,535.00 from WATER FREE CASH, to WATER STABILIZATION FUND.
M6. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $5,000.00 from VETERANS, CHARGES & SERVICES, to VETERANS, CAPITAL OUTLAY.
M7. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $135.00 from PURCHASING, CHARGES & SERVICES, to PURCHASING, SALARIES & WAGES.
M8. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of CHRISTOPHER GOMES, New Bedford, MA, as the DIRECTOR OF VETERANS SERVICES; this is a one-year term expiring in April 2014.
M9. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of CYNTHIA WALLQUIST, New Bedford, MA 02745, as the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the COMMISSION FOR CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES, this term will expire April 2014.
M10. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of PAUL BARTON, New Bedford, MA 02740, to the AIRPORT COMMISSION; this term will expire December 2015.
M11. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of MOIRA TIERNEY, New Bedford, MA 02740 to the AIRPORT COMMISSION; this term will expire December 2015.
M12. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of NORMAND BERGERON, New Bedford, MA 02745, to the CEMETERY BOARD; this term will expire May 2016.
M13. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of BARBARA MCDONALD, New Bedford, MA 02740, to the CEMETERY BOARD, this term will expire May 2016.
M14. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JAMES M. ANDRE, JR., Acushnet, MA 02743, as a CONSTABLE.

7. REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION of the ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, Amending Chapter 2, Section 2-61 – RELATIVE TO THE CLERK OF COMMITTEES AND THE CITY CLERK.
8. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Alves, requesting, that the City Council ask the Mayor to consider the appointment of a member of the Greater New Bedford Association of Realtors to the “Mayor’s Housing Task Force”, in that Realtors are among those first contacted by First Time Homeowners, Investors, Property Managers and Tenants and can be a “Key Resource” to the Task Force as the eyes and ears of the community in identifying problem properties and are able to advise the Task Force about issues of concern and of buildings that should be assessed, in that they are out showing properties in all the neighborhoods of the City and can help by providing information to other realtors, property owners and tenants as to what the City expects from all the parties involved for a safe and clean community. (To be Referred to the Mayor and the Committee on Veterans Affairs, Elderly, Health, Housing and Disability Issues.)
9. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, on behalf of Mayor Mitchell and the New Bedford Folk Festival 2013, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: SOUTH SECOND STREET, from William Street to Elm Street, ON FRIDAY, JULY 05, 2013, FROM 6:00 P.M. THROUGH 11:00 P.M., ON SUNDAY, JULY 07, 2013, AND NORTH WATER STREET, from Union Street to Elm Street; JOHNNY CAKE HILL AND BETHEL STREET, from Union Street to Elm Street; SECOND STREET, from Union Street to Elm Street; ACUSHNET AVENUE, from Union Street to Elm Street and WILLIAM STREET, from Purchase Street to North Water Street, ON FRIDAY, JULY 05, 2013, FROM 8:00 A.M. THROUGH 11:00 P.M., ON SUNDAY, JULY 07, 2013, AND SPRING STREET, from Acushnet Avenue to Purchase Street (alongside the Zeiterion Theatre) FROM 6:00 A.M. ON SATURDAY, JULY 06, 2013, THROUGH 10:00 P.M. ON SUNDAY, JULY 07, 2013, for the purpose of THE NEW BEDFORD FOLK FESTIVAL 2013. PLEASE NOTE: CLOSINGS ARE “AS NEEDED” AND INCLUDE AREAS FOR CRAFT BOOTHS.
10. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, on behalf of Mr. Victor Pinheiro, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: NORTH WATER STREET, from Centre Street to Union Street, ON THURSDAY,
SEPTEMBER, 05, 2013, FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M., for the purpose of The Azorean Whaleboat Regatta.
11. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, on behalf of the American Cancer Society, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: HUNTER STREET, from Parker Street to Maxfield Street, FROM FRIDAY,
JUNE 07, 2013, AT 8:00 A.M. TO SATURDAY, JUNE 08, 2013. AT 12:00 (NOON), for the purpose of the Relay for Life Walk at Paul Walsh Field.
12. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Bousquet, requesting, on behalf of “LA LIGUE DES FRANCO-AMERICANS”, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: MT. PLEASANT STREET, from Nauset Street NORTH to the intersection of Hathaway Road (The Point), ON: SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013, FROM 11:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M., for the purpose of: A Memorial at the French Veterans Square for St. Jean Baptiste Day. (ALSO REQUESTING SAWHORSES TO BLOCK OFF DRIVEWAYS IN THE SHOPPING AREA ON THE EAST SIDE OF MT. PLEASANT STREET).
13. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Alves, requesting, that the Committee on Ordinances consider the drafting of an Ordinance that insures the safety and a healthy environment for all the Children’s Playground areas to include appropriate fines for any pet owner who allows their pets to roam in a Park Playground area. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.)
14. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Alves, requesting, that in an effort to insure a safe and healthy environment for all the Children’s Playground areas in our City Parks that are used by young children and to guarantee that they are maintained free of animal waste and to insure the safety of our children, as some pet owners continue to violate the City’s Leash Law and allow their dogs to roam the Park without required restraints, that the City Council ask the Department of Recreation and Parks post “NO PETS ALLOWED IN THE PLAYGROUND AREA – VIOLATORS WILL BE FINED” Signs. (To be Referred to the Department of Recreation and Parks.)
15. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gonsalves, requesting, on behalf of the residents of Rotch Street, between Union Street and Hawthorn Street that the bus route be altered due to the route will no longer be used on Rotch Street in light of the extension into evening hours planned by SRTA. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.)
16. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gonsalves, Lopes, Oliveira, Martins, Bousquet, and Duarte, requesting, that Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioner Ronald Labelle meet with the Ward Councillors to seek input from them relative to areas in particular need of road work in each Ward, given that the State has increased our Chapter 90 Funding to about $1.07 Million Dollars.
17. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Bousquet, Gonsalves, Lopes and Gomes, requesting, on behalf of the Young Marines SouthCoast, that the Mayor and the Department of Recreation and Parks, do not displace this extraordinary worthwhile youth organization from the Fort Taber Community Center, the adults that run this program invest time and money helping to make the young adults they work with into productive, respectful and hard working members of our community and deserve and have earned this small commitment of space from the City of New Bedford; and further, we believe the Citizens of this City will agree. (To be Referred to Mayor Mitchell and Department of Recreation and Parks Director, Mary Rapoza.)
18. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Lopes, Martins, Oliveira, Gonsalves, Bousquet, Lawrence and Alves, requesting that the City Council ONCE AGAIN go on the record in opposition to the proposed rate increase being requested by the Massachusetts Fair Plan; and further, requesting ONCE AGAIN that the Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association (MPIUA), Rate Filings for Property Insurance hold a public meeting in the City of New Bedford and that the Massachusetts Division of Insurance hold a rate hearing in the City of New Bedford.
19. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Lopes and Martins, requesting that the Committee on Ordinances draft an Ordinance as it relates to House Bill 3074, An Act permitting the use of traffic control signal violation monitoring system devices as a means of prompting traffic safety in the City of New Bedford. (Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.)
20. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Duarte, requesting, that Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioner Ronald Labelle provide the City Council with information relative to the preparation work needed for the HS-8 work site at New Bedford High School, which is the construction of a solar park; and further, that this needed work be done as soon as possible due to the fact that the installation of the solar panels will create local jobs for New Bedford residents.
21. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that as the City of New Bedford is in the process of salvaging the digital Paul Revere Sign, off of Route 195, that the sign’s digital board be placed on Route 18, on the Elm Street Garage at that location in a southerly direction, giving messages and advertising, the many attractions in the City of New Bedford along with a “Welcome to New Bedford” Sign, and that the City immediately look into a replacement sign on Route 195 east, even if is by renting a billboard through our Office of Marketing and Tourism, in order to capture the traffic heading east on Route 195 towards the Cape, in order to inform motorists of the attractions available in the City and of their locations, so that the thousands of cars that pass by will not do so without noticing that the City of New Bedford is here and alive.
22. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, ONCE MORE, that the City Council go on record and request that immediate action be taken in removing the substances known as K2, K4 and K9 being sold in stores in the City of New Bedford and throughout the Commonwealth; and further, that the Council request that Interim Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Lauren Smith, MD, take immediate action in banning this substance from store shelves and hold stores accountable for selling this product; and further, that Dr. Brenda Weis, Director of Public Health for the City of New Bedford also take action to rid every store in this City of this substance due to the fact that young people are behaving dangerously, possibly harming themselves or others, and in some cases committing suicide, which is something that occurred here in the City of New Bedford just a week ago.
23. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Martins, requesting, that the Committee on Finance meet with a representative of the MIS Department, City Auditor, CFO and City Treasurer for the purpose of having the City of New Bedford’s checkbook placed online for all taxpayers and Citizens to view; and further, that the City has a large budget, monies being transferred, items being bought and salaries being paid for that although the City Budget is posted on the web, it’s not easy to follow and doesn’t give them the information needed to follow the monies being spent, nor the access to see what they pay for and what we do with City funds; and further; that this process would increase transparency of local government and we should have our books open to the public to show the people of New Bedford what is being done with their tax dollars; and further, this process should include the School Department’s budget, especially during times like these when so many Citizens and taxpayers want answers to their questions and rightfully so.
24. COMMUNICATION/DEMOLITION, New Bedford Historical Commission, to City Council, re: BUILDING DEMOLITION REVIEW: 83 RIVET STREET, MAP 31, PARCEL 163- advising that “built circa 1900, the structure is a vernacular barn located behind a multi-family tenement house, the structure is not located in a National Register Historic District and the structure is not architecturally significant” and therefore, “the NBHC has determined that the building is NOT a historically significant building and NOT preferably preserved.”
25. COMMUNICATION, City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council, to City Council, on behalf of Jesus Ortiz,
465 Purchase Street, New Bedford, MA 02740, d/b/a NORTH END FLEA MARKET, 2100 Acushnet Avenue,
New Bedford, MA, 02745, hereby submit a copy of the Application requesting a NEW LICENSE TO DEAL IN JUNK, OLD METALS OR ANY OTHER SECOND HAND ARTICLES under the provisions of M.G.L., Chapter 140, Sections 202-205 as amended, and as provided in the Code of the City of New Bedford, Chapter 15 and all Ordinances amending the same or in addition thereto, and further avers that he or she has been a resident of the City of New Bedford for at least six months next preceding the date of the application for such license; or that he or she has been a resident for at least six months in one of the towns next adjoining the limits of the City or that he or she has applied for a waiver of said residence requirement by the New Bedford City Council. (License will expire April 30, 2014.)
26. COMMUNICATION, City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council, to City Council, on behalf of Daniel Xavier,
97 Collette Street, New Bedford, MA 02746 d/b/a/ MCKENZIE’S BUS CO., 97 Collette Street, New Bedford, MA 02746, hereby submit a copy of the Application requesting RENEWAL of a Private Livery License, under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 159A, Section 1 and amendments thereto, and M.G.L. Chapter 270, Section 22 (Smoke Free Workplace Law) and all other laws applicable to such operation, to carry passengers for hire over the streets of New Bedford. (Current License expired April 12, 2013.)
27. COMMUNICATION, Interim School Superintendent Shea, to City Council, advising that on April 11, 2013, the School Committee’s Sub-Committee on Facilities, Maintenance and School Buildings referred a Written Motion, dated February 14, 2013, regarding alarming all schools with panic buttons to the School’s Facilities Director to investigate the issue and report back to the Sub-Committee at a later date. (Copy all Councillors 05/01/2013.)
28. COMMUNICATION, Interim School Superintendent Shea, to City Council, advising that on April 11, 2013, the School Committee’s Sub-Committee on Facilities, Maintenance and School Building, tabled a Recommendation by the Committee on Memorials and Dedications, dated December 20, 2012, regarding renaming the Sea Lab Building in honor of the late Arthur Dutra. (Copy all Councillors 05/01/2013.)
29. COMMUNICATION, Congressman Keating, to City Council, inviting the Council of a joint meeting of the Federal Fishing Advisory Board and the Mayor’s Ocean and Fisheries Council on May 13, 2013 at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, to discuss the upcoming expiration of the Magnuson-Stevens Act at the end of September. (Copy all Councillors via email 05/03/2013.)
30. COMMUNICATION, MassDOT Secretary & CEO Davey, to City Clerk Arruda, in response to the Written Motion regarding House Speakers DeLeo’s decision to eliminate the monies that would facilitate South Coast Rail to the Greater New Bedford area. (Copy all Councillors 05/09/2013.)
31. COMMUNICATION, Blair S. Bailey, Tax Title Attorney, to City Council, re: Acquisition of New Tax Possession, advising that the City has acquired the following property as Tax Possession 31 Ashley Street, Plot 15/Lot 149, Area of 4,357 sq. ft. (Former Owner: John Pereira); Total Amount due on the parcel as of the date of the transfer is $38,427.59.
32. COMMUNICATION, David A. Haskell, to City Council, submitting a Notice of Intention to Sell Land on Shawmut Avenue and Loftus Street in New Bedford to Massachusetts Land Conservation Trust, Inc., Land Shown on New Bedford Assessors Plat 89, Lots 242A, 257, 258, 199, 294, 27 and 207 under the provisions of M.G.L. c.61A §14 for charitable and historic preservation purposes, consisting of 5 acres of land. (Copy all Councillors 04/30/2013.)

04/25/2013 REPORT, Committee on Finance, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION of the ORDER, for the TRANSFER of $2,000,000.00 from FREE CASH, to SCHOOL, SALARIES & WAGES.
04/25/2013 AN ORDER,