Boston Police Department welcomes officer Omar Borges home after month-long battle with COVID-19

“BPD Officers Flock to Beth Israel Hospital to Celebrate the Patient Discharge of BPD Officer Omar Borges Now Home Recovering from COVID-19:

On Friday, April 24, 2020, at about 5:00pm, a wonderfully joyous and emotional scene as hundreds of Boston Police Officers gathered outside the Beth Israel Hospital’s Rosenberg Building to cheer on and welcome home Officer Omar Borges upon his discharge from hospital care after a grueling, month-long battle with the coronavirus.

Officer Borges, who appeared at the front door in a wheelchair, was overcome by emotion upon being greeted by a thunderous ovation courtesy of his brother and sister officers, as well as, the nurses and doctors who treated and cared for him during his stay at the hospital. Officers looked on with tears in their eyes as Omar’s family smothered him with hugs, kisses and love before entering a silver-colored SUV that transported Omar to his home.

Said Commissioner Gross, “This is a day to celebrate and, as you can see, Omar’s family is happy to have him home.” Yet, sadly, as happy as we are to celebrate Omar’s return to good health, we would be remiss to not take a moment to keep in our prayers the family and friends of Boston Police Officer Jose Fontanez who succumbed to COVID-19 on April 14, 2020.

Said Commissioner Gross, “Today, we celebrate the release of Officer Borges while also remembering the loss of Officer Fontanez. This is a serious disease and it remains important for all of us to follow the steps required to lessen the spread of this virus.”

Boston Police Department photos: