BOLO leads to arrest of wanted 60-year old New Bedford man on interstate crime spree

In July, 2017 the Swansea Police Department along with other departments had several vehicles broken into. Through investigation, officers identified Marcellino Alves, 60, of 97 Willis St, New Bedford, MA as the suspect. Alves was charged with these crimes and did not show up for court. Default warrants were issued for Alves.

Over the last few months Alves has been on an interstate crime spree breaking into vehicles. Alves was identified as the suspect in breaking into 6 vehicles in Swansea as well as multiple in Seekonk, Dartmouth, North Attleboro and Bristol, RI. Alves had 9 active warrants in Massachusetts and 6 in Rhode Island for his arrest and failure to appear.

“Be on the Lookout” (BOLOS) were distributed throughout the region to be on the lookout for Alves and the vehicle he was suspected of driving. On June 13 Dartmouth Police Off. Kevin DaCosta, while off-duty, spotted Alves on Rt. 195 and was able to notify area officers of the vehicles location. Detectives with the South Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Counsel (SEMLEC) from Swansea, Seekonk and Mattapoisett involved in investigating these crimes were able to identify a location in New Bedford where Alves was living.

On June 14, 2018 at 10:45 am Alves was taken into custody, outside his home at 97 Willis St. in New Bedford. During the arrest officers discovered suspected stolen property from car breaks they had been investigating. Participating in the investigation were: Swansea Detective Keith Chomka and Patrolman Jared Ulak, Seekonk Detectives David Mahoney, Nicholas Peterson, Charles Mello and Mattapoisett Detective Scott Leblanc.

Alves was booked by Swansea Police and transported to Fall River District Court for arraignment.